Saturday, July 05, 2008

It's LEE again..


Hey guys.. Forgive me for my lack of posts.. its been an INSANE couple of days (to say the least). As mom updated, we got to Johannesburg safely (and with no sickness!). After praying for 10 hours straight, our host family was right there when we arrived.. HALLELUJAH... the Johannesburg airport gives me the creeps :).

We arrived to Alabanza (our home base in South Africa) on Wednesday, and got in bed pretty much right after we got there. We were POOPED! One of the guys from our team last year, Sean, also came through Wednesday night and we stayed up to see him and his team. It was so good to be with him for the night. We spent time praying for him, and him for us and it was just what we needed to kickstart this journey! WE LOVE YOU SEAN!

The last few days have just been relaxing.. not much going on. I slept for most of the day yesterday, I was SERIOUSLY JET LAGGED! I finally got a shower on Thursday (I know I know.. dont judge me! ... just be glad you couldn't smell me..) The water (and everything else) in Africa just has a mind of its own.. its quite humorous and very humbling.

Today we spent the morning with two of our friends, Vuyo and Wopi, who are social workers at the hospital outside of Rustenberg. They took us with them to spend time with some of the patients they work with. We actually spent a couple of days here last year, and it was a surreal feeling to be back. God did SO MUCH last year there, and it was unreal to think He has me there again this time. SO COOL! We spent most of the time between the pediatric ward and the psych ward and it was a fruitful time of ministry. The psych ward was great.. I think it was my favorite. The people in this ward will keep you smiling and laughing for days! One lady cussed out her grandson for a straight hour.. mind you, he wasn't even there :).

We have had a little bit of a hard time getting around because the car Theresa bought here has been in the shop and again, "africa time" is much different than what we know (I must say though, this is a blessing because its so nice .. and needed.. to slow down for a bit. So refreshing!) We are hoping to have her car back by Monday, and if so, our ministry can get more underway.

We had a few issues with our host family in Swaziland, and we were pretty certain we would not be able to go. The missionaries there basically took back their offer to open their home to us (because they already have a full house) and we were so broken. If you know any of my stories last year, they all involved my precious GoGo and I was so upset that I wouldn't be able to be with her again.. BUT.. by the grace of God, an AIM member just happened to be at Alabanza Thursday morning, heard our story, and started opening doors for our return there. Honestly, it was just nothign short of a miracle. He opened his home to us and we'll be in a gated community a few miles from the village where we stayed last year. We can go anytime, and right now we are just waiting to see when the Lord will have us go. We are thinking maybe next week, but we aren't sure.. I'll be sure to let you know!

I have so much more to update.. but I'm running out of minutes. We are headed to the store after this and we are going to try and buy a wireless card that allows us to get on the internet from wherever we want.. Please pray that its feasible and not too expensive.. we are missionaries after all!

For now, I just have some prayer requests.. will you PLEASE join me in praying these things?

* team unity. Theresa and I are tired and we need your prayers to keep us strong. We are learning to rely on each other and it's not always easy

* the staff at Alabanza. They are INCREDIBLE. They serve selflessly and have given us so much hospitality. However, they are worn out. There are currently about 55 people staying there, and only 7 of them to facilitate every need (showers, beds, meals, etc). THEY NEED REST! Please pray for them!

*Our ministry time. We are desperate to dig in here, and we want to make sure we are going and doing as we are told. We alreayd feel a certain tug to certain things, but want to go in the right direction. We will not allow our time here to be wasted!

*Our health.. we are tired and it makes us so lethargic. Pray for energy.

*There are 2 Zimbabwe refugees currently staying with us. If you know anything about South Africa, you know that they are going through a time of "xenophobia".. it is where they are afraid of Africans from countries other than there own. Any immigrants found here in South Africa (not Americans, mom, don't worry!) are terrorized and most of the time tortured to death. Yesterday, they were in town for errands and faced a roadblock by the South African police. They both escaped without arrest, and our friend Dini picked them up in the bush last night. They will start the "Safe Refugee" papers on Monday.. please pray for safety until then!!

*They are 2 young boys, Taelo and Abel, staying at Alabanza as well and they are such servants! Taelo's house was recently robbed and he lost everything. He has had on the same thing since we arrived.. and its FREEZING HERE! When I asked him what he was praying for, he told me last night "oh yes, I am praying that God would provide somenew sneakers for me, I know I'll get them soon".. HE is a man of faith and its been so cool to listen to his stories (I told him I'd video tape him and put him on here for you to see. you'd be so amazed!!) If you'd like to give Taelo new shoes, they are about 25 American dollars and you can email me at and I'll let you know how!

**** Last one, I promise.. PLEASE READ!*****
*Have you ever heard of Passion Conferences? If not go to and read up. It is an incredible movement of \ and The Lord used it to radically change my life. Well, Passion is coming to JOHANNESBURG! Theresa and I have been planning to work the event for some time, and we were hoping to get our friends at Alabanza signed up. When we got here, they would not stop mentioning it. THEY ARE DYING TO GO. My friend, Mariet, told me last night that "I have always dreamed!" to go. However, they are missionaries who live off of support (They are the team at Alabanza that I mentioned earlier) and do not have the money to go. It is only 100 Rand per person.. that is only about 14$ per person! 14$ THAT IS IT! So, after spending some time praying, I wanted to bring this need to your attention. There are 7 of them that want to go and I think we can make it happen. If you would like to give money for a ticket or for 1/2 a ticket.. PLEASE email me at and we'll make it happen. If you don't feel led to give.. PLEASE JOIN US IN PRAYING THAT GOD WILL PROVIDE THIS MONEY! It would be such a blessed gift tothis people who rarely get to attend an event like this!

ENough... now. what is going on with you? How is life? How was your fourth of July?? Fill me in!!

OK.. now that I've written a book, I'm out!
I'll post more (with pictures) later!! Love you guys..


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello sweet lee-lee. wow, sounds like you have had lots of adventure in your travels! i've been praying for you and theresa. hang in there!

not much to report here. the fourth of july was very HOT and fun. i will try to e-mail you some pictures soon (do i email them to the gmail?) i thought of you tonight as we ate a "papa steak" tonight at honey and papa's. we all miss you and the boys send you their love (well, not right now, b/c milt-milt is here - ;) - ha! ha! love you lots and miss you!