Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Tomorrow, January 1st, I am starting (ok, re-starting) a one-year study of the bible. Meesh, Ber, and I bought this one year study/ journal bible in South Africa this summer. We did it for about a month and then we all headed home,and  it got really hard to keep up. Because this particular Bible's order of reading begins on January 1,  I've been waiting until now to begin. I think that following it by the days they have assigned makes it much easier to stay on course. The roadmap of the study is really simple. Every day you will study: 

a chapter/verse in the Old Testament
 a verse or chapter in Psalms or Proverbs, 
a chapter/verse in the New Testament

It allows time to digest the big stuff, and I never felt overwhelmed (but then again, I didn't make it too far..). 

Obviously, barely getting through Genesis and Matthew the first time might indicate that I need accountability. Maybe? YES. That's where you come in.. I WANT YOU TO JOIN ME! There is no pressure to know it all, and there are no prerequisites. You don't have to know ANYTHING. We will journey together, with no one ahead, and no one behind. Different viewpoints and different opinions will increase our knowledge of our God, and will season our walk with Him. You in?

I know it's late to make this "announcement" (typical, huh?).. but you have like 12 1/2 hours to decide.. c'mon..

Email me at or post a comment below. I'll email you back with the schedule, and I'll  post here tomorrow morning with the first day's reading. 

I'm excited :)


*** update: Several people have asked where you can buy the particular Bible that I'll be using. The Bible is "ESV Journaling Bible". Lifeway Christian Bookstores sell it, but when I went to their website, it seemed very expensive. However, if you search for it on Amazon, there are some VERY good prices. I am using the solid black one, but there are  colored ones that seem to be much cheaper (weird). You can also google search "ESV Journaling Bible" and it locates all different stores that sell it. Here are some links to help you out: Google Product Search, Lifeway,  and Amazon. HOWEVER, know that you  do not have to use this particular Bible. The ESV may be the best translation to use as far as comparing notes/scripture, but whatever you have will work! I'm MORE THAN PUMPED.. keep emailing.. the more the merrier :)  ***

Monday, December 29, 2008

I've got the desire..

.. for adventure.

maybe it's the new year and all the resolutions and forecasting we do.. , or maybe it's the extra cash flowing as a result of Christmas generosity... but I am YEARNING (dramatic? yes) to do something adventurous. Let me clarify, by adventurous I do not mean:
1) mountain biking 
2) bungee jumping
3) sky diving
4) going to a Monster Truck Show
5) ice picking 

My version of adventurous includes, but is not limited to:
1) moving to new york city 
2) quitting school (remember when we talked about this over Mellow Mushroom 2 years ago, rebekah?)
3) getting another tattoo
4) exploring Europe for 5-6 months
5) all of the above

It's funny.. because... i'm actually quite serious.

Do you ever sit back and wonder if you are doing what you were made for? I've been doing that for over a year (Danielle, you can pull up your facebook messages for a year+ as evidence of this, huh? and Holli? the porch talks?)...  A WHOLE YEAR. There are so many reasons.. but the main reason for this confusion is that I have an unreasonable and unhealthy need to live my life the way that the world thinks I should (or the way I think the world thinks I should live). I'm not placing blame.. I'm just honestly afraid of messing up. 
The new year is sure to bring about more honest and transparent blogs.. and maybe you'll be able to see why I question the current state of my life. But I really feel the need to stretch my legs and walk boldly into something totally uncomfortable. To do something completely irrational, unreasonable, and seemingly ridiculous.. yet totally necessary and liberating.

Lord, you have complete authority on every move I make. I'm begging- give me vision.. BE my vision.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Mistaken Identity

I'm sure you've heard the story (from 2006) about the 6 girls from Taylor University who were in a tragic accident. I'm not up to speed on all of the details, but I think that 5 were killed, and one lived.  Two of the families made headlines everywhere as they grieved their daughters lives. However, because of the alterations caused by the accident, the girls were hardly noticeable. The girl who was living was actually not who everyone thought she was. One set of parent's grieved the death of their daughter and she wasn't even dead. Then, the other hopeful parents clung to the bedside of what they thought was their own precious daughter. Five weeks into the tragedy, after one family had buried what they thought was their daughter (, the two families figured out that something was not right... they were facing a case of mistaken identity. 

Matt Lauer has done several interviews with these families, and did a catch up tonight on Dateline. It was absolutely fascinating. I have never seen the faith that they possess played out in reality. They know Jesus in a real way.. because they experienced what it was like for Jesus to be the only thing they had. We've gotta live that truth day by day, minute by minute.. tragedy or no tragedy. They really really get it. It was unreal to watch.. you should check it out.
Click HERE to do that.

If you'd rather just read up on it, click HERE or HERE


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

enough to go 'round

i love this commercial

I just watched my 19th movie of the Christmas season. That means I only have 6 to go. Is it possible? Doubtful! We'll see..

Tomorrow is one of my favorite days of the year,so I better go rest up.

May the JOY you have from the Lord be enough for you today.

Monday, December 22, 2008

ok.. i only have 8 movies to go. I'm desperate for ideas.. im too prideful to fail this mission.. HELP!

(is it even possible to watch 8 movies in 2 days?)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

ribbon, tissue paper, and boxes.. oh my.

let me tell you about my day:

-slept until 9.
-church (we sang all my favorites.. my 4 year old cousin keeps us in hysterics and today was no exception. he loves "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and when the SOLOIST from the choir got up to sing it, little Mac sang along with him. LOUDLY. very loudly.. loud enough for the church to hear. it was precious and priceless..).
-lunch with my family/friends.
-came home, got in my favorite pj pants, sunggled up in my old-amazingly-worn-in auburn sweatshirt and pulled on my new bath and body  sweater socks (thanks TRACE!)
-wrapped 21 Christmas presents and watched 3 Christmas movies on lifetime. that's right.. twenty-stinkin'-one. 
-then, to a friends to continue the movie marathon with The Family Stone  (i have 9 more to watch before Thursday. ahhhhhh) and ornament making.

this might have been one of my favorite days ever. EVER. 
and tomorrow?  girls wrapping/baking/eating/being spoiled day with Honey (my grandmother) and Hannah (my super awesome 13yr old cousin).  i want this week to go on and on and on.

It just keeps getting better. oh Merry Christmas.

by the way, i need your opinion. is our tree crooked??

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

how deep

this song is in my top five favorite songs of all time. upon first hearing it, you'd probably assume it was a hymn from great theologians like Watts or Wesley. However, it was actually written by contemporary artist, Stuart Townend. He wrote it while trying to digest what it meant for God to sacrifice His son as redemption for sin. He became passionate in his search for the depth of the Gospel.. and out of his seeking and meditation on the cross, this song came forth. It is powerful,  powerful, and powerful... thats just the only word I know to use.
For the last 2 weeks,  the words have been impossible to shake. 

How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure

How great the pain of searing loss,
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the chosen One,
Bring many sons to glory

Behold the Man upon a cross,
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed I hear my mocing voice,
Call out among the scoffers

It was my sin that helf Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I knoww that it is finished

I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast inJesus Christ
His death and resurrection

Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom
Can you imagine what it meant for Mary to carry the Messiah in her belly? Can you picture Joseph fathering the Savior of the World? 
The very man we mock and scorned saved us. He saved us. He gave us our only shot at union with God, our maker and sustainer. 
Its all just a miracle to me and quite frankly, its seems impossible to wrap my head around the enormity of it all. 

I'm convinced, though,  it's worth the believing. My debt is gone, my freedom is here... on Christmas and every other day. IT IS FINISHED. This wretch is His treasure.

how you like dem apples, folks?

Monday, December 15, 2008


Go see BooMama .. She's having her annual Christmas Open House today! I have spent the last hour and a half looking through people's houses.. creepy? Probably, but.. go check it out.. there are some GREAT ideas... I'll put some pics up later!

Merry Merry!


Saturday, December 06, 2008

merry chrima'

FRIENDS. i suuuuuck at blogging. truth is, for the past week or two I have logged on to write a new post and I end up giving up after the first sentence. I have sooooooooooo much to say, but I can't ever put it all together. So, tonight, I decided it was time to buckle down and crank one out. Since I'm still in full-blown ADD mode (it's Christmas, a mess for people like me), you're going to have to deal with bullet-point/list format. 

*the first point i must make is this: Thanksgiving is my favorite. This year was no exception. I love my family.. and their cooking skills. After stuffing our faces, the 5 cousins (we missed you BEN!) decided it would be a wise idea to jump on the trampoline. It wasn't wise... but it was fun. I love them so much. The little boys made a tree of thanks and we pinned on leaves with written notes of what we were thankful for. We aren't perfect, but we love each other and I'm really really blessed because of it. My friends here and oceans away make me praise the good Lord for calling me worthy of being in such relationships. It's all, humbling, really.

*now that i don't feel bad for leaving Thanksgiving in the dust, let me just put it out there: I AM IN LOVE WITH CHRISTMAS TIME. obsessed. i just love the feeling..i love the smells, the movies, the way my house looks,  i love it all. The Lord really speaks to me in a powerful way during this season. 

*Christmas music is on non stop wherever I am. In the car, on my computer, in the stereo in our den, in the kitchen.. EVERYWHERE. My favorites? James Taylor (duh), Mahalia Jackson, Patti Labelle, David Phelps, HARRY CONNICK JUNIOR (he is so fine), Mariah Carey, Vanessa Williams, Bing Crosby, The Eagles, Nsync, Sufjan Stevens, Bebo Norman, Clay Aiken (judge me, i dare you). And Chris Brown's version of "This Christmas".. i lurv it. these are just a few of my favorites.

*While I love Christmas music, there are some artists and songs that you will never find coming through my speakers. NEVER. EVER."rocking around the christmas tree".. NO. "jingle bells". UH-UH.  "frosty the snowman".. SHOOT ME NOW. how did these become Christmas songs? I need to stop talking about it, it just gets me all worked up. 

*i have made it my mission to watch 25 Christmas movies before Christmas. So far? 8!
 1. home alone- kevin mcallister, buzz, marv. it never gets old, people
 2.White Christmas- vera, bing, danny, rosemary. i've already watched it twice.
3. Four Christmases- its ok. reese is such a cutie and vince cracks me up.
 4. Flirting with Forty- lifetime movies at christmas? FABULOUS. you NEED to watch this, robert buckley is unbelievably fine. seriously, i drooled.
5. An Unlikely Christmas- lifetime
6. I can't remember the name- lifetime
7. I can't remember the name- lifetime
8. Love Actually

*i need suggestions on others. Of course I'll be watching A Christmas Story, Christmas Vacation, the Holiday, Charlie Brown.. but do you have others? help me out.

*i want snow. REALLY REALLY BAD.

*we got a pup. she's so cute. but, as of now, she's nameless.. i'll post a picture and maybe you can help me out.

*im missing africa BIG TIME. i'm craving their simplicity this time of year.

*marc broussard and gabe dixon in Birmingham in a week.. with leighanna, bagby, and lea. I CANNOT WAIT.

*florida just kicked that elephant tail tonight and it was so fun to watch. i think tim tebow is my soulmate. yea? maybe? pLEASE?

*lets go to new york. 

*does anyone have any good cookie recipes? i have a cookie swap to go to on thursday and im at a loss. i need it to be cute, original, and impressive.

*we put up Christmas decorations ALL DAY today. like 9:30-6:00. it deserves its own post

ok, i can't think of any more bullet points. thank you for praying for mom during her surgery, she's doing so well.  
"flirting with forty" just came back on and i feel like snuggling up for another round of absolute HOTNESS. (im telling you, robert buckley is worth every second of my time. google him).

i have lots of things to share (including, but not limited to: my frustration with cynicism of the church, craft christmas ideas, an incredible giving opportunity, and thoughts on love). so don't leave me, i promise i won't be gone for 2 weeks.  i'll be back.