Thursday, January 19, 2006


"There before me was a throne, the throne of the Living God....and in the center around the throne were living creatures giving glory to the One who lives forever and forever... and Day and night, they never stop saying:
'Holy, holy, holy
is the Lord God Almighty
who was, and is, and is to come'...."
Revelation 4: 2-9

What a Holy night.
Have you ever been a part of something that was so powerful that it almost felt magical?
That probably sounds strange or silly if you haven't, but if you have.. you know EXACTLY what I mean and have probably jumped back to that moment in your mind. I dont mean to call how I experience God magical, because God is not magic.. he's simply.. well, GOD!... I mean that moment you' d like to just sit and wallow in.. one that you desire to lather up and savor. Not an emotional, or a mountain-top-hallelujah- experience, but one of great clarity. A particular time that has really defined how you see and even relate to God. A place when you can almost physically feel God shifting your goals and desires and making them fit His mold. A moment when you see the AWE of God.. when His majesty is on FULL DISPLAY. The place where you really feel like God has given you just the SLIGHTEST glimpse of what His throne room might look like. umm.. and this "moment": only a glimpse. thats just... WOW. I'm so thankful for these moments. I'm closing this day feeling honored to have had another such "moment".

Tonight, simply put: God was made MUCH of.
It can't be described, and I guess in all actuality, it shouldn't be. Not described, rather passed on, replicated, and LIVED.

Dear Jesus, may these "moments" now become my life.

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