Thursday, July 17, 2008


Don't have any time to post.. but just wondered if you guys could lift up a personal prayer request for me today?

I am really sick. I have been fighting a cold since I got here and it's gotten progressively worse. I have been breaking a fever since about 6 this morning. I have no appetite and I'm really weak. They've given me meds, and I've spent a lot of time in bed.. but I'm not really feeling better. Some have suggested goign to a private clinic here, but my insurance card disappeared with my credit card yesterday.. yea, thats a whole different story :) PLEASE PRAY THAT I WILL BE RESTORED TO FULL HEALTH AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.. like now!

I have some exciting news to post tomorrow, so be ready :). Love you guys a lot and cherish your prayers.



Unknown said...

I'm praying now that Jesus will restore your health and heal your body to its full potential. May He equip someone there with the knowledge to offer the right medicine and care. I pray that you will be a new body soon, ready to fulfill God's mission. Hang in there Lee! We love you and are praying for good health!

Leigh Anna

Anonymous said...

Lee I hope you get to feeling better!! I love you! and I'm praying for you and all of your prayer request!


Anonymous said...

oops...i don't know how to log out of Bagby's thing..he didn't log out of his g-mail/google!. Well, we are both praying for you-put it that way.