Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Hey all..

hey all.. a friend of mine wrote this in an email to me last night.. its something i've been thinking about and his words echoed my thoughts almost exactly. He said it better than me so I thought i would share:

".., i'm doing well, but weary. not so much physically, although my job does wear me out. but i'm weary of this economy, this idea that everyone must earn their own way. the last year in school, i developed somewhat of a cynicism for the greed that drives myself and everyone else in america. what i'm realizing this summer is that, i think, the majority of people aren't fueled by greed--they're fueled by misunderstanding and pride. they've (we've?) bought into the american ideal that everyone has to earn their own way and they don't want help from anyone. they're not greedy. they're broken. most people that i work with, and most people that i know, are just trying to "get by." and they can't. because they were never meant to get by on their own steam.."

Thank you, Lord for being our "steam". Help us to remember that without You, we cannot get by. You are our source of strength and life. May we press in to You harder today than yesterday.

other than this, i don't have much to update. right now, im babysitting baby Vaeli.. he is a 10 month old baby that i met last summer at the makeshift orphanage in a township here called Temibisa. In September, one of my friends here adopted him. HE IS THE CUTEST LITTLE MUNCHKIN EVER! I'm trying to relieve his mommy for a while.. so we're hanging out in town at the internet cafe (picture me.. typing, bouncing him on my knee as he screams out words i do not know! oh i can't wait to be a mommy!!)
here is a picture of my struggle:

(I've taken lots of pictures.. so be ready for them next post!)

*also, thank you SO much to those who have emailed about supporting the staff getting to passion johannesburg... (if you missed this opportunity, its not too late: click here http://leegrayson.blogspot.com/2008/07/its-lee-again.html and scroll to the bottom)

3 of them are going now.. only 4 more need tickets! They are about 14 American dollars. so if you feel led to give, please contact me at lowrylg@gmail.com. I'm hoping to get videos of them up here so you can see their faces and hear their desire to go! Be on the lookout for that!

Thats all for now.. we're off to the hospital. More on that soon!

Love you guys more than you know! Lee

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