Don't have too much time to explain because I'm running out of internet minutes (that I had to give an arm and a leg for).
If you want to go through 3 back to back security centers, walk 2 miles to your terminal, be 900 degrees, and have no clue what ANYTHING says.. come to Frankfurt.
Here is T and I after stopping for a break on our 10 mile hike to our gate:
One a more positive note, right now we are relaxing in leather reclining lawn chairish things.. guess I shouldn't be complaining too much.
Nonetheless, we are ready to get out of here.
two quick specific prayer requests:
1- for our bodies. WE ARE WORN OUT and have no energy. I got really sick on the flight from Chicago. Please pray that this one goes better!
2- that our host family will pick us up in JOBURG. We REALLY don't want to stick around there any longer than we have to! I'm sure they'll be there.. but Africans are on their own time schedule.
you guys are blessings.. really.
Lee here is even more info -
Now Wachovia says to call them at xx(x) 540 561 9203 - The X's are the country code. There are 3 charges totalling $26 that are holding up your account.
That new number is for that department to verify that you made those charges.
According to
to reach the USA from SoAfrica
00 + 1 + 540 561 9203 to reach that Wachovia number.
Good Luck
Du hast mich da gebraucht, um fuer dich zu uebersetzen!
thought you could use a little more german ;)
love ya, friend! praying for you like crazy.
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