Thursday, July 31, 2008
second- I have lots of things to blog about, but I'm running out of time.. stay tuned because tomorrow I'm posting some things you will be interested in. Many of you have asked how you could be a part of ministries here... and tomorrow I'll give you a full list. You do NOT want to miss it. Also, I am still lacking about 200$ in support and need it to pay fo rmy last two weeks of housing here. Will you join me in praying for this? I have no doubt He will provide.. He always does.
third- you have to read this blog: ... I am serious, it has had an enormous impact on my spiritual walk.. this lady gets it and she makes it easy for others to catch on. PLEASE DO YOURSELF A FAVOR.. AND READ IT. start at the beginning, but be sure to catch the latest post written on the 25th. You won't regret it.. tell me if you go, and what you think!!
love you guys and thank you again.. thank you thank you thank you!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Releasing Expectations..
To start, I’m unfortunately back from Swaziland. Truth is, it was WAY too short. What a week it was.. this time last week I was laying under the Swaziland sun with snotty-nosed kids using me as a jungle gym. How incredible.
However, For those of you that I’ve talked to via phone or email know that I’ve had a really hard time with laying down my expectations for this trip. If you don’t correspond with me regularly you probably couldn’t tell.. I’m known for shutting down and putting the wall up, not letting people see what I really feel. I have enjoyed my stay in South Africa and its been just as special as you’ve read .. but its been coupled with a lot of doubting and confusion.
My plan for this trip back to Africa was: 3 weeks in Swazi, 2 weeks at an orphanage in Jo’Burg and 1 or 2 weeks here in Pretoria (Alabanza) for rest and hospital ministry. Well, it has looked more like: 5 1/2 weeks at Alabanza, 5 days in Swazi, and no orphanage.
I feel like I’m pretty go-with-the-flow but man.. 5 days in SWAZI? Really? UGH!!!
Not feeling like I’m doing what I think I’m here for is no fun. I want so badly to be with the people that I fell in love with last summer. I want to go and buy a car and drive to the hospital to sit with my friend Treasure whose daughter is dying of something easily curable like Pneumonia. I want drive to Maria Kloppers orphanage and run into the green house and grab David and Sandile who gave me a penny as a goodbye present last year.
But, look back at that last paragraph. I WANT.. I WANT.. I WANT. That was MY PLAN… (didn’t I blog about this the day before I left to come here.. hmm..)
Is that what You wanted, Lord? Didn’t you have me here for those people??.. I certainly thought so. Didn’t you want me to sit with GoGo and shuck corn from her field? Didn’t you want me to teach Sunday School to the kids at our carepoint? Didn’t you want me to go and cook for Auntie Esther so that she could have a break from her 12 children?
Again, I was certain of it.
You know, I think the real problem is not the wanting. It’s ok to want those things. After all, I’m supposed to desire and seek after heavenly things, right?! Sunday School Lesson #1. I wanted good things. Sitting with GoGo is not bad.. its good.. (real out of this world good.. you have to get a GoGo before you die!)
I think the real problem is the “I” in all of those sentences. I want. I need. MY PLAN.
(OUCH to the ego. It is always uncomfortable to learn that truth… it really never gets easier does it?)
He wants me at Alabanza for a purpose. I wasn’t supposed to sit with GoGo for 6 weeks ( \that is still really hard to admit). I get so wrapped up in me and in my plans and my desires that I often miss the voice of the Father. He prepares ministry everywhere. EVERYWHERE. To take it even deeper, this is a truth that Lee Grayson Lowry HAS TO HEAR. Doing it my way, I am likely to jump into something head first into something appealing without thinking that it is not God’s best. I am the worst for getting into something that looks great, but isn’t the GREATEST.
Oh my.
I’m a lost cause without Him.
Ahh.. its refreshing to be honest.
I am ok though (mom, don’t panic!)... This has been such a growing experience for me. I am not depressed or sitting in a room all alone. I just haven’t been that open to what the Spirit wanted to do in and through me.. here’s to a better effort, though!
Though short, I had an incredible 5 days in Swaziland. Outside of the short time frame, it was nearly perfect. There were only about 2 or 3 people that I didn’t get to see. I spent most of my afternoons with GoGo and we sang the one Swati song I know over and over.. and over again. How fabulous. We spent the mornings at a squatter camp where we had previously taught school and done some evangelism. Last year at this squatter camp we were faced with major heartbreak. Some of you have heard me talk about the treeline, but if not this the story.. There was a huge dump across the street and surrounding it was a line of trees. Parents sent children there to search for old food so that they could have meals for the day. Well, men would go first to search for food, and when they found something of worth, they would hide it with them under the line of trees. In order for the children to get their family’s meal for the day, the men would require them to perform sexual acts with them. Then, they would give them food and send them back to us across the street. It was horrifying. It was as if Satan was staring us straight in the face. The little kids that we would hold and snuggle with in the morning, would be the ones happily crossing the street for food. It was truly one of the hardest things I have ever had to watch, and its been something I couldn’t talk about for a while. Well, this year, we found a large concrete wall around the dump and most of the trees cut down. This doesn’t mean that the prostitution is over or that these nasty acts can’t still be performed.. but we prayed that God would protect these children and remove the treeline. We came back to see the huge wall and very little trees. I CAN PROMISE YOU THAT THIS WASN’T A DECISION BY THE SWAZILAND GOVERNMENT..THAT IS AN ANSWER TO PRAYER, my friends. That is the God we serve. He is protecting His children and we saw none of the prostitution with our own eyes this year. PRAISE HIM.
It was a special 5 days and I’m thankful that He even called me back at all.
Here are some pictures.. I hope you enjoy!
( I'm still working on how to explain it and how to adequately blog about how it felt to be back.. It was surreal. I figured until I could come up with a fluid set of words, I would throw up pictures from our journey. If you've kept up since last year, You'll recognize a lot of these faces. )
This is my GoGo. Even if you're new here, you probably have an idea of how much I love this lady. She made the biggest impact on my life last summer, and not a day goes by that I don't think about her. This is the moment I saw her.. tears came from everywhere!
These ladies are the 2 women who run the school in the squatter camp (a squatter camp is a place where people literally come and just throw things together to make a 'house' because they have no land elsewhere.. much crime exists here). Gugu, the lady on the right is one of my favorite people on earth, as she has dedicated her life to educating the children in this camp.
This little guy is Sachile, the boy who was our 13th team member last summer. He spent almost every day with us and made a special bond with many of my teammates. Its obvious he is a growing boy.. he doesn't have many teeth yet! What cutie!
This is Ncobile, and there are no words to describe her. You could start with beautiful, but that wouldn't be enough. Seriously.. she could model.. call an agency! She'll be in my wedding, so you'll meet her in America one day!
This is BUGGY!!!!!!!!!!! can you believe it? she's huge!! She grew so much (and lost so much hair) that I almost didn't recognize her. She is so much more fun now!
This was probably the biggest shock for me! This is my friend Meesha. I discipled her while in Swaziland last summer.. when she was PREGNANT! I was there for the birth of this little munchkin.. and I came back just 1 week after her 1st birthday! Baby Nosepo is BEAUTIFUL!
More pictures soon..
Thanks for walking this with me and letting me be honest. you guys are incredible! I love you!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Love you all so much and cant wait to bear hug YOU soon!
Monday, July 21, 2008
As if we have nothing..
But nonetheless, we are SWAZI-BOUND! I can hardly stand it.. I'm so ready!
I don't know what it was about Swazi that made my heart go nuts. Maybe it was the bloated-belly orphans that walked the streets in bare feet. Maybe it was the Go-Go's who juggled the pales of water on their head while carrying 30-pounds of infant on their back. Maybe it was the church services that made us feel like we just got done working out. Maybe it was the food.. wait, nevermind. Maybe it was the hospitals that seemed more like Mother Theresa's 'Home for the Dying' than a place of healing.. while all the while being the holding place for people with the greatest example of faith. Maybe it was the sunsets and how everyone of them seemed to out-do the last.
I dont know. Maybe it was all of those things. I think it was that I found the Lord in Swaziland. Outside of all the poverty, the killings, the stealing, the sexual and mental abuse.. I saw Jesus. He was there. I didn't take Him there.. He was already there.. He is there.
Amongst the broken and the poor is the greatest evidence of Jesus. Where the orphan sleeps, where the hungry eats, are the fingerprints of our God.
This must be why I fell in love and my heart has been groaning to get back.
You see at home, things are hard.. for sure. But honestly.. It's rare that I need to depend on the Lord. I know that I'll have a meal, a roof over my head. Even in my worst circumstances I am 'comfortable'. I don't find myself praying daily, hourly, by the minute, even, that the Lord will give me food and shelter. I don't have to believe that the Lord will protect me from death or rape because I'm not really afraid of that. I want to be dependent on the Lord like these people. I have to be. He commands that I be.
Lord help me.
This is cliche I know. Everyone who ever goes on a mission trip comes back with stories like this. If you are a part of a church, you hear this post outreach "change of perspective" testimony often. It's almost dull to us. But this is life and this is truth. WE MUST LEAN HARD INTO THE LORD AND TRUST HIM AS IF WE HAVE NOTHING.
Lord, come break the chains that hold everything distracting me from you. Make me like Job. Strip me of my security.. You are my safe place, my only safe place. You are the giver of every good thing and you promise that in surrender you bless... Release my of the need for things and show me daily that I don't deserve or need them to know you. Thank you for the things I take for granted but.. Lord, I want to want only you.
So I'm off to learn again what it means to believe God for who He says He is.. maybe it will stick this time.. :) More soon..
**side note: I've recieved a lot of emails asking about how you guys could support me in ministry. Because of the situation with the car (Theresa's car is not in working condition and after weeks of waiting we have decided to rent a car to get us to Swaziland), we've run into a lot of extra costs. We have the finances covered, but its hard to give to the people around us when our money is being sucked up by other things. We know we're supposed to be in Swazi so we are confident that the Lord will provide. So, if that was you who emailed me, I'm sorry I haven't replied but that is how you can help tangibly. Email me and let me know if you feel led to give in this way and I'll give you the information :). AND ... KNOW that we ALWAYS seek prayer support.. ALWAYS. Thanks for being so generous in giving to us. We are forever indebted to you!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
A video for you..
thought you might enjoy seeing what we do at night. This is Mariet dancing in Anmerie's cabin.. this girl is insane!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I am really sick. I have been fighting a cold since I got here and it's gotten progressively worse. I have been breaking a fever since about 6 this morning. I have no appetite and I'm really weak. They've given me meds, and I've spent a lot of time in bed.. but I'm not really feeling better. Some have suggested goign to a private clinic here, but my insurance card disappeared with my credit card yesterday.. yea, thats a whole different story :) PLEASE PRAY THAT I WILL BE RESTORED TO FULL HEALTH AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.. like now!
I have some exciting news to post tomorrow, so be ready :). Love you guys a lot and cherish your prayers.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
It's about time..
These two lovely ladies (they are sitting here monitoring what I say about them) are Mariet and AnMerie. Anmerie is the most PHENOMENAL cook and you can't find many people funnier than Mariet! I spend most of my days with them!
This is Wapi.. We do hospital ministry together!
unfortunately, my internet won't let me upload anymore pictures.. but there are so many more. I'll try again tomorrow!
Love you guys!
Who do these belong to?
This summer, there are 9 pair that need to find homes.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thanks Mom for putting up that prayer request, you're the best!
As mom mentioned, Tapiwa (this is the correct spelling and its pronounced TAh-PEE-WAH), one of the Zimbabwean refugees has been very ill. He had been suffering from a toothache most of all last week, and we kept him medicated with ibuprofen, and even some of our pain pills from home. However, the pain escalated andby Thursday we realized we had a real issue on our hands. He didn't sleep any that night.. and they took him to a doctor on Friday, but as mom mentioned, no one would see him. They brought him home and he tried to rest. However, when Theresa went to check on him that night, she found him weak and very disoriented. If you know anything about bad teeth, you know that not having them treated is deadly. It was obvious that this was a serious issue. After much chaos, they got him to another hospital about 50 miles away. However, they would not see him because "it wasn't urgent" (translation: He is from Zimbabwe..). They then spent the night traveling to 4 other hospitals who denied him access. Those of us back at home were frantic and very worried. We were sure he wouldn't make it through the night.. His whole face was swollen and signs of infection were obvious. After 5 careless rejections (don't even get me started..), he finally came home, and we doped him up on some makeshift antibiotics and painkillers, and prayed that it wasn't too late.
He did sleep through most of the night, and Saturday was another day of getting rejected by clincs and hospitals. UGH!!! We really began to ask for divine healing, because at this point, we didn't think there was much more to do. He woke up Sunday with less pain and his roommates said he slept through most of the night.
Well.. as of today.. HE IS HEALED!!!!
His face is back to normal, no swelling and he is smiling, laughing, and eating again!
We are still going to attempt another doctor tomorrow to make sure he is ok.. but from what we can see, God completely restored him! PRAISE HIM!!
Isn't it amazing when you get to the end of your rope, when you run out of ideas, and you put your total dependence on the greatest Helper of all, that you see hope and change???
He is truly a Faithful God... the same One who moved in the days of Noah, Daniel, and Peter is alive and making the same miracles happen today! Now, THAT is amazing.
Praise God.
Thanks for your prayers.. they are being heard and being felt an ocean away!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Prayer Warrior Update
I want to say how proud and grateful that I am of all of you that have stepped up and met those needs that Lee has shared. She is so lucky to have y'all as friends!! What a phenomenal group!!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008
prayers, prayers, WE NEED YOUR PRAYERS!
*** Not even 5 minutes ago I recieved an email from a friend saying that she wanted to purchase the 4 remaining Passion tickets!! (if you dont know what I'm talking about click here: )
ALL 7 OF THEM ARE GOING!!!!!! Thank you guys for giving and praying. Isn't he a FAITHFUL FATHER?!
*** Taelo has new shoes! Someone has purchased them and he will be so humbled!!! PRAISE THE LORD! ( )
*** THree of the patients we have been working with/praying for in the hospitals have been RELEASED! See, He still HEALS!
*** Remember me asking you guys to pray for rest the staff where I am living??? Well THE DAY AFTER I POSTED THAT, their "boss" came in and said they must each take a day of the week off. This is the first time they have ever had anything like that. They are already so full of life again! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!
If you thought/think blogs are silly.. just look at how God is using this. these are no small things, I hope we'll take time to really thank God for all He is doing..
*** Last night, Alabanza was robbed. To you and I, this is horribly scary.. to my friends here, this is the norm. Normal or not, it was still an unfortunate event. They actually robbed the house I am staying in (dont worry mom.. keep reading). They didn't enter the house (it is rare that they EVER enter the house, they only want possessions), yet they robbed our clothesline. They stole all of the drying clothes which belonged to Luiza (the South African we live with), baby Vaeli, baby Joy, and our friend Dave. We heard the dogs barking, but we didn't think much of it. Please pray that it doesn't happen again... and pray for our team as we pull our resources to get clothes to those who lost them! Please continue to pray for our safety!
*** Please pray for Theresa's car. She bought one and since we've been here its been broken. They have jacked the price up from 400 Rand to 1500 Rand (they found out we were Americans ;) ). We are waiting for a part, then a mechanic can fix it.. but until then we are stuck around Alabanza. Our hearts are in Swaziland and we know from all that God has done that we are supposed to be there.. so please pray taht the car will be "healed" and that we can go see our sweet friends across the country!
*** Please pray for our health. I have been very very ill for the last 2 days. My nights have been really rough and my body is having a hard time getting adjusted to this way of life. I missed a day of ministry in the slums today and it was so hard for me. Theresa went and said it was amazing! Please pray that I can go tomorrow!!!!!!!
*** Please pray for our friends from Zimbabwe. They are in the middle of starting their refugee papers and its a hassle. They NEED THESE!!
"The poor will eat and be satisfied; they who seek the Lord will praise him-- may your hearts live forever!" Psalm 22:26
"I will praise you forever for what you have done; in your name I will hope, for your name is good. I will praise you in the presence of your saints." Psalm 52:9
"Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, "We have seen remarkable things today." Luke 5:26
ok.. i think im done. talk to me.. let me know how you are.
love you. Lee
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Hey all..
".., i'm doing well, but weary. not so much physically, although my job does wear me out. but i'm weary of this economy, this idea that everyone must earn their own way. the last year in school, i developed somewhat of a cynicism for the greed that drives myself and everyone else in america. what i'm realizing this summer is that, i think, the majority of people aren't fueled by greed--they're fueled by misunderstanding and pride. they've (we've?) bought into the american ideal that everyone has to earn their own way and they don't want help from anyone. they're not greedy. they're broken. most people that i work with, and most people that i know, are just trying to "get by." and they can't. because they were never meant to get by on their own steam.."
Thank you, Lord for being our "steam". Help us to remember that without You, we cannot get by. You are our source of strength and life. May we press in to You harder today than yesterday.
other than this, i don't have much to update. right now, im babysitting baby Vaeli.. he is a 10 month old baby that i met last summer at the makeshift orphanage in a township here called Temibisa. In September, one of my friends here adopted him. HE IS THE CUTEST LITTLE MUNCHKIN EVER! I'm trying to relieve his mommy for a while.. so we're hanging out in town at the internet cafe (picture me.. typing, bouncing him on my knee as he screams out words i do not know! oh i can't wait to be a mommy!!)
here is a picture of my struggle:
(I've taken lots of pictures.. so be ready for them next post!)
*also, thank you SO much to those who have emailed about supporting the staff getting to passion johannesburg... (if you missed this opportunity, its not too late: click here and scroll to the bottom)
3 of them are going now.. only 4 more need tickets! They are about 14 American dollars. so if you feel led to give, please contact me at I'm hoping to get videos of them up here so you can see their faces and hear their desire to go! Be on the lookout for that!
Thats all for now.. we're off to the hospital. More on that soon!
Love you guys more than you know! Lee
Monday, July 07, 2008
Finding home here
I hope you guys had a great holiday weekend surrounded by your friends and family!
4th of July is one of my favorites.. which is why this weekend was a bit more difficult than usual.
Being in Africa is unreal, and I can't tell you how blessed I feel to be here. I also can't tell you how clearly I heard the call to come back to Africa.. BUT.. If I told you that answering and resting in that call was EASY, I'd be lying. This weekend was HARD.
I miss my family and friends so much. It was hard to be away this weekend because I could all but smell the fun everyone was having. I wanted American barbeque, fireworks, and to hear the laughter of my sweet little cousins.
However, on my African 4th of July, serious homesickness began to creep in. I was craving a night out with my friends, a laugh with my mom, or even just a hug from my mom. None of which was tangible. I was having a ROUGH time to say the least.
In these homesick moments, I have had to lean hard into the Lord, knowing that He is the very essence of "family" to me. He is my Father, my provider, my sustainer, and my comfort and rest.
As I mentioned in my previous email, there are 2 Zimbabwean Refugees staying with us. Over the past couple of days, I 've learned more of their story. They are a brother and sister pair who were found in the marketplace and were chased out of their country because they were siding with the Opposition Political Party. They left behind a mother, and 7 other siblings under the age of 20. They faced a brutal execution, but got out just in time. They came by bus to Johannesburg and spent 2 weeks in the bus station. Almost a year ago, our friend Whopi (who also currently lives with us and who we do our hospital visits with) was preaching in Zimbabwe and left the congregation her phone number (which she always does after speaking). Well, Eti (the girl refugee) was in that congregation (a coincidence, NO WAY!) and took down the number and kept it safe. After being in the bus station for 2 weeks here in Joburg, she remembered she had the number Whopi gave out a year ago. She used her last Rand and called Whopi, who just happened to be an hour away. Whopi went and got them, and they are now staying with us.. it has been SUCH a blessing. Last night, I was eating with Eti and her brother, and she told me how she missed home and her family, and how she doesn't even know if they are safe (they also followed the opposition party). SHe told me that she worries because her father died 2 years ago and her ill mother has to care for all the remaining children. My stomach dropped. I felt like the biggest jerk ever. THis girl knows more pain due to distance than I have ever felt, and God-willing, more than I will EVER feel. SHE IS HOMESICK. She doesn't even know where her family is, and told me she will probably never know. She has no phone, no internet to stay connected...Yet, everyday, she makes me coffee before I wake, and she smiles when they ask her to clean the barn. She is, to me, the very defintion of STRENGTH and poise.
Like I said, this experience has me face-to-face with HUMILITY.
Lord, thank you for opening my eyes to something other than myself. Father, You are my Home and may I always be comfortable with just you. Bless Eti' and my family, may they know you as their peace and safety until we see them again.
Thank you all for your prayers, I FEEL THEM.
Keep it up, and let me know how I can do the same for you.
Also, if you haven't heard of the opportunity to give, check out the post below titled "It's Lee Again..".. it is at the very bottom. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Email or leave comments here if you are interested!
PS: this sounds lousy coming after the subject of this post.. but.. I DO have a phone here in South Africa and I would love to hear from you! I receive FREE incoming calls. The time diff. is 8 in...when it's 8:00 am in the States, it is 3:00pm here. Skype is really cheap (23 cents a minute and you pay up front, no charges on your phone bill.. go to for more info) and unless I'm in the midst of ministry, I'll answer :) MY number (with Country code) is 27-078-325-6335.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
It's LEE again..
Hey guys.. Forgive me for my lack of posts.. its been an INSANE couple of days (to say the least). As mom updated, we got to Johannesburg safely (and with no sickness!). After praying for 10 hours straight, our host family was right there when we arrived.. HALLELUJAH... the Johannesburg airport gives me the creeps :).
We arrived to Alabanza (our home base in South Africa) on Wednesday, and got in bed pretty much right after we got there. We were POOPED! One of the guys from our team last year, Sean, also came through Wednesday night and we stayed up to see him and his team. It was so good to be with him for the night. We spent time praying for him, and him for us and it was just what we needed to kickstart this journey! WE LOVE YOU SEAN!
The last few days have just been relaxing.. not much going on. I slept for most of the day yesterday, I was SERIOUSLY JET LAGGED! I finally got a shower on Thursday (I know I know.. dont judge me! ... just be glad you couldn't smell me..) The water (and everything else) in Africa just has a mind of its own.. its quite humorous and very humbling.
Today we spent the morning with two of our friends, Vuyo and Wopi, who are social workers at the hospital outside of Rustenberg. They took us with them to spend time with some of the patients they work with. We actually spent a couple of days here last year, and it was a surreal feeling to be back. God did SO MUCH last year there, and it was unreal to think He has me there again this time. SO COOL! We spent most of the time between the pediatric ward and the psych ward and it was a fruitful time of ministry. The psych ward was great.. I think it was my favorite. The people in this ward will keep you smiling and laughing for days! One lady cussed out her grandson for a straight hour.. mind you, he wasn't even there :).
We have had a little bit of a hard time getting around because the car Theresa bought here has been in the shop and again, "africa time" is much different than what we know (I must say though, this is a blessing because its so nice .. and needed.. to slow down for a bit. So refreshing!) We are hoping to have her car back by Monday, and if so, our ministry can get more underway.
We had a few issues with our host family in Swaziland, and we were pretty certain we would not be able to go. The missionaries there basically took back their offer to open their home to us (because they already have a full house) and we were so broken. If you know any of my stories last year, they all involved my precious GoGo and I was so upset that I wouldn't be able to be with her again.. BUT.. by the grace of God, an AIM member just happened to be at Alabanza Thursday morning, heard our story, and started opening doors for our return there. Honestly, it was just nothign short of a miracle. He opened his home to us and we'll be in a gated community a few miles from the village where we stayed last year. We can go anytime, and right now we are just waiting to see when the Lord will have us go. We are thinking maybe next week, but we aren't sure.. I'll be sure to let you know!
I have so much more to update.. but I'm running out of minutes. We are headed to the store after this and we are going to try and buy a wireless card that allows us to get on the internet from wherever we want.. Please pray that its feasible and not too expensive.. we are missionaries after all!
For now, I just have some prayer requests.. will you PLEASE join me in praying these things?
* team unity. Theresa and I are tired and we need your prayers to keep us strong. We are learning to rely on each other and it's not always easy
* the staff at Alabanza. They are INCREDIBLE. They serve selflessly and have given us so much hospitality. However, they are worn out. There are currently about 55 people staying there, and only 7 of them to facilitate every need (showers, beds, meals, etc). THEY NEED REST! Please pray for them!
*Our ministry time. We are desperate to dig in here, and we want to make sure we are going and doing as we are told. We alreayd feel a certain tug to certain things, but want to go in the right direction. We will not allow our time here to be wasted!
*Our health.. we are tired and it makes us so lethargic. Pray for energy.
*There are 2 Zimbabwe refugees currently staying with us. If you know anything about South Africa, you know that they are going through a time of "xenophobia".. it is where they are afraid of Africans from countries other than there own. Any immigrants found here in South Africa (not Americans, mom, don't worry!) are terrorized and most of the time tortured to death. Yesterday, they were in town for errands and faced a roadblock by the South African police. They both escaped without arrest, and our friend Dini picked them up in the bush last night. They will start the "Safe Refugee" papers on Monday.. please pray for safety until then!!
*They are 2 young boys, Taelo and Abel, staying at Alabanza as well and they are such servants! Taelo's house was recently robbed and he lost everything. He has had on the same thing since we arrived.. and its FREEZING HERE! When I asked him what he was praying for, he told me last night "oh yes, I am praying that God would provide somenew sneakers for me, I know I'll get them soon".. HE is a man of faith and its been so cool to listen to his stories (I told him I'd video tape him and put him on here for you to see. you'd be so amazed!!) If you'd like to give Taelo new shoes, they are about 25 American dollars and you can email me at and I'll let you know how!
**** Last one, I promise.. PLEASE READ!*****
*Have you ever heard of Passion Conferences? If not go to and read up. It is an incredible movement of \ and The Lord used it to radically change my life. Well, Passion is coming to JOHANNESBURG! Theresa and I have been planning to work the event for some time, and we were hoping to get our friends at Alabanza signed up. When we got here, they would not stop mentioning it. THEY ARE DYING TO GO. My friend, Mariet, told me last night that "I have always dreamed!" to go. However, they are missionaries who live off of support (They are the team at Alabanza that I mentioned earlier) and do not have the money to go. It is only 100 Rand per person.. that is only about 14$ per person! 14$ THAT IS IT! So, after spending some time praying, I wanted to bring this need to your attention. There are 7 of them that want to go and I think we can make it happen. If you would like to give money for a ticket or for 1/2 a ticket.. PLEASE email me at and we'll make it happen. If you don't feel led to give.. PLEASE JOIN US IN PRAYING THAT GOD WILL PROVIDE THIS MONEY! It would be such a blessed gift tothis people who rarely get to attend an event like this!
ENough... now. what is going on with you? How is life? How was your fourth of July?? Fill me in!!
OK.. now that I've written a book, I'm out!
I'll post more (with pictures) later!! Love you guys..
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Safe Arrival
Lee wanted me to be sure and thank you all for your prayers and ask that you continue. Just wait until she has time to blog about the bank holding up her debit card for $26 as she traveled. The wanted to talk to her to verify that she was the one making the charges, but she couldn't call them because she couldn't user her card.
Her posts should be great!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
not Frankfurts biggest fan..
Don't have too much time to explain because I'm running out of internet minutes (that I had to give an arm and a leg for).
If you want to go through 3 back to back security centers, walk 2 miles to your terminal, be 900 degrees, and have no clue what ANYTHING says.. come to Frankfurt.
Here is T and I after stopping for a break on our 10 mile hike to our gate:
One a more positive note, right now we are relaxing in leather reclining lawn chairish things.. guess I shouldn't be complaining too much.
Nonetheless, we are ready to get out of here.
two quick specific prayer requests:
1- for our bodies. WE ARE WORN OUT and have no energy. I got really sick on the flight from Chicago. Please pray that this one goes better!
2- that our host family will pick us up in JOBURG. We REALLY don't want to stick around there any longer than we have to! I'm sure they'll be there.. but Africans are on their own time schedule.
you guys are blessings.. really.
Safe Landing in Germany
P.S. Baby Emma Katherine Creel is precious. I got to see her last night. Please continue to pray for Courtney, Matt, Baby Emma and the whole clan until her pneumonia clears up!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
First leg of the travels is DOWN!
I'm going to keep this short as I'm WORN OUT and want to rest when I have time. We leave for Frankfurt in 30 minutes.. and we'll be in the air for about 8 1/2 hours. I'm not really sure how the internet works in Germany, but I'll hopefully be posting again in the morning!
Hey, and if you get a minute, will you stop and pray for The Creel's? Courtney (who i posted about earlier) gave birth to little Emma Katherine about 2 hours ago. It seemed to be a pretty traumatic birth and Emma is in NeoNatal ICU. The outlook is GREAT so just keep prayign that the Lord would heal her and comfort her family as they share this special day together. THANK YOU!
love you guys... more tomorrow..
Lee (and Theresa!!)
Headed to Chicago..
I'm supposed to make it to Chicago with 45 minutes to spare.. so PLEASE pray that I don't miss my flight to Frankfurt. I'll keep you posted :) Thanks for all the prayers.. Keep them coming!