Tuesday, March 14, 2006

quick update on JEN!

super QUICK update (have i mentioned that im SO tired??)

Jen's surgery went smoothly. She went in around 5:45 this morning.. while they were in surgery the doctors not only removed the mass, but her thyroid gland as well. They also observed the areas around the thyroid where the mass had been and made sure that nothing around it looked different or harmed in any way, and it did NOT! PRAISE JESUS! The surgeon said she did EXCELLENT during surgery, and was hoping her recovery would be just as easy. The first time I heard from Jen's family she was jsut getting out of surgery (9:30am) and was about to go into recovery ... at that point they were told they would be allowed back after an hour or so. The next time they called (5:00 pm) they told me that she had woken up, but had gotten very sick and they were asked to leave. She's having a hard time speaking, so they are watching her very closely.. in fact, she was supposed to be able to go home today, but her doctors decided she needed to stay overnight to be monitored. So, the way I like to see it.. its better to be sick at the hospital with doctors all around than being sick at home! Praise God that He is in control!! The surgeons have assured her family that she is doing very well and they anticipate few, if any, problems. WOW! She has another doctors visit on Friday and they will HOPEFULLY be able to tell her whether her mass was cancerous or not. The head surgeon told her parents that from what he could tell, the tumor was NOT cancerous. so.. thats our latest prayer concern.. please pray specifically for the mass, and for the diagnosis she will recieve Friday!

i'll post more as I hear more. I'm sorry this may not have been as thorough as some of you had anticipated or asked me for.. I'm not real sure I relayed the message I got very well! so sorry!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all of you that have been praying and encouraging Jen in this situation. Thank you to all of her sweet friends who have been calling her and emailing her. thank you even more to the people who are my friends, who dont know even know Jen, but know that I care for her and love her, and for that being enough for you to care. It says so much about you and I'm so blessed to have such great friends!!! OH, and thank you to the people that know NEITHER of us, but know the God we serve and have helped encourage Jen in this! I LOVE YOU ALL!! I talked to her right before surgery and she was SO extremely HUMBLED by you guys and the blessings you have been to her!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay JennyBOO! i loves you!