Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Tomorrow, January 1st, I am starting (ok, re-starting) a one-year study of the bible. Meesh, Ber, and I bought this one year study/ journal bible in South Africa this summer. We did it for about a month and then we all headed home,and  it got really hard to keep up. Because this particular Bible's order of reading begins on January 1,  I've been waiting until now to begin. I think that following it by the days they have assigned makes it much easier to stay on course. The roadmap of the study is really simple. Every day you will study: 

a chapter/verse in the Old Testament
 a verse or chapter in Psalms or Proverbs, 
a chapter/verse in the New Testament

It allows time to digest the big stuff, and I never felt overwhelmed (but then again, I didn't make it too far..). 

Obviously, barely getting through Genesis and Matthew the first time might indicate that I need accountability. Maybe? YES. That's where you come in.. I WANT YOU TO JOIN ME! There is no pressure to know it all, and there are no prerequisites. You don't have to know ANYTHING. We will journey together, with no one ahead, and no one behind. Different viewpoints and different opinions will increase our knowledge of our God, and will season our walk with Him. You in?

I know it's late to make this "announcement" (typical, huh?).. but you have like 12 1/2 hours to decide.. c'mon..

Email me at or post a comment below. I'll email you back with the schedule, and I'll  post here tomorrow morning with the first day's reading. 

I'm excited :)


*** update: Several people have asked where you can buy the particular Bible that I'll be using. The Bible is "ESV Journaling Bible". Lifeway Christian Bookstores sell it, but when I went to their website, it seemed very expensive. However, if you search for it on Amazon, there are some VERY good prices. I am using the solid black one, but there are  colored ones that seem to be much cheaper (weird). You can also google search "ESV Journaling Bible" and it locates all different stores that sell it. Here are some links to help you out: Google Product Search, Lifeway,  and Amazon. HOWEVER, know that you  do not have to use this particular Bible. The ESV may be the best translation to use as far as comparing notes/scripture, but whatever you have will work! I'm MORE THAN PUMPED.. keep emailing.. the more the merrier :)  ***

Monday, December 29, 2008

I've got the desire..

.. for adventure.

maybe it's the new year and all the resolutions and forecasting we do.. , or maybe it's the extra cash flowing as a result of Christmas generosity... but I am YEARNING (dramatic? yes) to do something adventurous. Let me clarify, by adventurous I do not mean:
1) mountain biking 
2) bungee jumping
3) sky diving
4) going to a Monster Truck Show
5) ice picking 

My version of adventurous includes, but is not limited to:
1) moving to new york city 
2) quitting school (remember when we talked about this over Mellow Mushroom 2 years ago, rebekah?)
3) getting another tattoo
4) exploring Europe for 5-6 months
5) all of the above

It's funny.. because... i'm actually quite serious.

Do you ever sit back and wonder if you are doing what you were made for? I've been doing that for over a year (Danielle, you can pull up your facebook messages for a year+ as evidence of this, huh? and Holli? the porch talks?)...  A WHOLE YEAR. There are so many reasons.. but the main reason for this confusion is that I have an unreasonable and unhealthy need to live my life the way that the world thinks I should (or the way I think the world thinks I should live). I'm not placing blame.. I'm just honestly afraid of messing up. 
The new year is sure to bring about more honest and transparent blogs.. and maybe you'll be able to see why I question the current state of my life. But I really feel the need to stretch my legs and walk boldly into something totally uncomfortable. To do something completely irrational, unreasonable, and seemingly ridiculous.. yet totally necessary and liberating.

Lord, you have complete authority on every move I make. I'm begging- give me vision.. BE my vision.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Mistaken Identity

I'm sure you've heard the story (from 2006) about the 6 girls from Taylor University who were in a tragic accident. I'm not up to speed on all of the details, but I think that 5 were killed, and one lived.  Two of the families made headlines everywhere as they grieved their daughters lives. However, because of the alterations caused by the accident, the girls were hardly noticeable. The girl who was living was actually not who everyone thought she was. One set of parent's grieved the death of their daughter and she wasn't even dead. Then, the other hopeful parents clung to the bedside of what they thought was their own precious daughter. Five weeks into the tragedy, after one family had buried what they thought was their daughter (, the two families figured out that something was not right... they were facing a case of mistaken identity. 

Matt Lauer has done several interviews with these families, and did a catch up tonight on Dateline. It was absolutely fascinating. I have never seen the faith that they possess played out in reality. They know Jesus in a real way.. because they experienced what it was like for Jesus to be the only thing they had. We've gotta live that truth day by day, minute by minute.. tragedy or no tragedy. They really really get it. It was unreal to watch.. you should check it out.
Click HERE to do that.

If you'd rather just read up on it, click HERE or HERE


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

enough to go 'round

i love this commercial

I just watched my 19th movie of the Christmas season. That means I only have 6 to go. Is it possible? Doubtful! We'll see..

Tomorrow is one of my favorite days of the year,so I better go rest up.

May the JOY you have from the Lord be enough for you today.

Monday, December 22, 2008

ok.. i only have 8 movies to go. I'm desperate for ideas.. im too prideful to fail this mission.. HELP!

(is it even possible to watch 8 movies in 2 days?)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

ribbon, tissue paper, and boxes.. oh my.

let me tell you about my day:

-slept until 9.
-church (we sang all my favorites.. my 4 year old cousin keeps us in hysterics and today was no exception. he loves "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and when the SOLOIST from the choir got up to sing it, little Mac sang along with him. LOUDLY. very loudly.. loud enough for the church to hear. it was precious and priceless..).
-lunch with my family/friends.
-came home, got in my favorite pj pants, sunggled up in my old-amazingly-worn-in auburn sweatshirt and pulled on my new bath and body  sweater socks (thanks TRACE!)
-wrapped 21 Christmas presents and watched 3 Christmas movies on lifetime. that's right.. twenty-stinkin'-one. 
-then, to a friends to continue the movie marathon with The Family Stone  (i have 9 more to watch before Thursday. ahhhhhh) and ornament making.

this might have been one of my favorite days ever. EVER. 
and tomorrow?  girls wrapping/baking/eating/being spoiled day with Honey (my grandmother) and Hannah (my super awesome 13yr old cousin).  i want this week to go on and on and on.

It just keeps getting better. oh Merry Christmas.

by the way, i need your opinion. is our tree crooked??

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

how deep

this song is in my top five favorite songs of all time. upon first hearing it, you'd probably assume it was a hymn from great theologians like Watts or Wesley. However, it was actually written by contemporary artist, Stuart Townend. He wrote it while trying to digest what it meant for God to sacrifice His son as redemption for sin. He became passionate in his search for the depth of the Gospel.. and out of his seeking and meditation on the cross, this song came forth. It is powerful,  powerful, and powerful... thats just the only word I know to use.
For the last 2 weeks,  the words have been impossible to shake. 

How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure

How great the pain of searing loss,
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the chosen One,
Bring many sons to glory

Behold the Man upon a cross,
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed I hear my mocing voice,
Call out among the scoffers

It was my sin that helf Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I knoww that it is finished

I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast inJesus Christ
His death and resurrection

Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom
Can you imagine what it meant for Mary to carry the Messiah in her belly? Can you picture Joseph fathering the Savior of the World? 
The very man we mock and scorned saved us. He saved us. He gave us our only shot at union with God, our maker and sustainer. 
Its all just a miracle to me and quite frankly, its seems impossible to wrap my head around the enormity of it all. 

I'm convinced, though,  it's worth the believing. My debt is gone, my freedom is here... on Christmas and every other day. IT IS FINISHED. This wretch is His treasure.

how you like dem apples, folks?

Monday, December 15, 2008


Go see BooMama .. She's having her annual Christmas Open House today! I have spent the last hour and a half looking through people's houses.. creepy? Probably, but.. go check it out.. there are some GREAT ideas... I'll put some pics up later!

Merry Merry!


Saturday, December 06, 2008

merry chrima'

FRIENDS. i suuuuuck at blogging. truth is, for the past week or two I have logged on to write a new post and I end up giving up after the first sentence. I have sooooooooooo much to say, but I can't ever put it all together. So, tonight, I decided it was time to buckle down and crank one out. Since I'm still in full-blown ADD mode (it's Christmas, a mess for people like me), you're going to have to deal with bullet-point/list format. 

*the first point i must make is this: Thanksgiving is my favorite. This year was no exception. I love my family.. and their cooking skills. After stuffing our faces, the 5 cousins (we missed you BEN!) decided it would be a wise idea to jump on the trampoline. It wasn't wise... but it was fun. I love them so much. The little boys made a tree of thanks and we pinned on leaves with written notes of what we were thankful for. We aren't perfect, but we love each other and I'm really really blessed because of it. My friends here and oceans away make me praise the good Lord for calling me worthy of being in such relationships. It's all, humbling, really.

*now that i don't feel bad for leaving Thanksgiving in the dust, let me just put it out there: I AM IN LOVE WITH CHRISTMAS TIME. obsessed. i just love the feeling..i love the smells, the movies, the way my house looks,  i love it all. The Lord really speaks to me in a powerful way during this season. 

*Christmas music is on non stop wherever I am. In the car, on my computer, in the stereo in our den, in the kitchen.. EVERYWHERE. My favorites? James Taylor (duh), Mahalia Jackson, Patti Labelle, David Phelps, HARRY CONNICK JUNIOR (he is so fine), Mariah Carey, Vanessa Williams, Bing Crosby, The Eagles, Nsync, Sufjan Stevens, Bebo Norman, Clay Aiken (judge me, i dare you). And Chris Brown's version of "This Christmas".. i lurv it. these are just a few of my favorites.

*While I love Christmas music, there are some artists and songs that you will never find coming through my speakers. NEVER. EVER."rocking around the christmas tree".. NO. "jingle bells". UH-UH.  "frosty the snowman".. SHOOT ME NOW. how did these become Christmas songs? I need to stop talking about it, it just gets me all worked up. 

*i have made it my mission to watch 25 Christmas movies before Christmas. So far? 8!
 1. home alone- kevin mcallister, buzz, marv. it never gets old, people
 2.White Christmas- vera, bing, danny, rosemary. i've already watched it twice.
3. Four Christmases- its ok. reese is such a cutie and vince cracks me up.
 4. Flirting with Forty- lifetime movies at christmas? FABULOUS. you NEED to watch this, robert buckley is unbelievably fine. seriously, i drooled.
5. An Unlikely Christmas- lifetime
6. I can't remember the name- lifetime
7. I can't remember the name- lifetime
8. Love Actually

*i need suggestions on others. Of course I'll be watching A Christmas Story, Christmas Vacation, the Holiday, Charlie Brown.. but do you have others? help me out.

*i want snow. REALLY REALLY BAD.

*we got a pup. she's so cute. but, as of now, she's nameless.. i'll post a picture and maybe you can help me out.

*im missing africa BIG TIME. i'm craving their simplicity this time of year.

*marc broussard and gabe dixon in Birmingham in a week.. with leighanna, bagby, and lea. I CANNOT WAIT.

*florida just kicked that elephant tail tonight and it was so fun to watch. i think tim tebow is my soulmate. yea? maybe? pLEASE?

*lets go to new york. 

*does anyone have any good cookie recipes? i have a cookie swap to go to on thursday and im at a loss. i need it to be cute, original, and impressive.

*we put up Christmas decorations ALL DAY today. like 9:30-6:00. it deserves its own post

ok, i can't think of any more bullet points. thank you for praying for mom during her surgery, she's doing so well.  
"flirting with forty" just came back on and i feel like snuggling up for another round of absolute HOTNESS. (im telling you, robert buckley is worth every second of my time. google him).

i have lots of things to share (including, but not limited to: my frustration with cynicism of the church, craft christmas ideas, an incredible giving opportunity, and thoughts on love). so don't leave me, i promise i won't be gone for 2 weeks.  i'll be back.

Monday, November 24, 2008

its been a while..

hey friends. i'm baaaaack. (how annoying have you been getting when you check my page and its the same dadgum picture/post from 2 weeks ago.. i hate when people do that!.. or maybe i'm being a little overconfident and no one even reads this..)
... and i hate to disappoint (All 2 of you).. but, actually, i dont have time to post now.

I just have a quick prayer request.. my mom is having surgery in the morning. The problem is pretty minor, but the surgery is apparently not. We are leaving here at 4:30 am, and she'll go into the OR around 5:15. Please pray for her!

thank you. love you guys. ill really be back soon.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


two posts in one day? i know, RARE. but....i can finally let out a big secret.. MY BEST FRIEND IS ENGAGED.

these two crazies (Jamie and Grayson) are getting marrieeeeeeeeeed. (they don't look like this all the time.. i promise)
Jamie Hoffman.. sounds perfect :)

i love my jamie-boo. besides being an incredible, trustworthy, encouraging friend.. she's badass at art and can make you laugh harder than you ever have before.

(Because of my computer crash, i can't find any recent pictures of them or of us.. but the high school pic will have to do.)

Pray for them as they start this new step in life.
Pray for me, as wedding season is FAST approaching and my sanity may be in question!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. im so excited.. for all of my sweet friends!

so, how am i celebrating? well.. im off to the gym, then coming home and getting on nothing says "congratulations!" like a little personal desperation. (kidding, of course)


A morning phone call from Africa brought vivid images of the faces I left only 3 short months ago. I just want to hold them, to tickle their little feet, and to listen to their voices talk and sing over me.
The distance between us is hard for me today.

im homesick for my family across the world.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Song for Mia

I went down to the water , all night long
I'm putting my feet in ,all night long

And I went down to the water , all night long
And I'm putting my dreams in , all night long

And what you think of me ,I can't say
I'll take these bad dreams and I'll drove along the way

I'm at the shore now , the shadows at my back
I can feel the waves coming there , heavy and black

But I can't turn away now 'cause I
They're singin' a song

And I , I'm in harmony
I'm singing along

And what you did to me I , I can't take no more
I'll take these bad dreams and I'll lay them at the shore

The end of the ocean I'll never see
I stare out in the distance and it's looking back at me

And I'll look down to the water all night long
And I'll put my feet in , all night long

And I'll put my dreams in , all night long
And I'll put my tears in , all night long
I went down to the water

"Song for Mia" - Lizz Wright


Tuesday, November 04, 2008


ok, look. I have made this personal commitment to avoid blogging about politics. One reason? I don't know enough. Yes, my grandfather is in the House, my uncles hold offices in our city, and my next-door-neighbor is the mayor. I was birthed into a very political environment and by nature, it has been a constant part of my life. However, sometimes it's harder to be in the thick of it all and maintain a brain of your own.. I, as a stubborn, independent adult, need to formulate my own ideas and my own values... and.. I haven't felt it all out yet.

Sure, I have opinions, things I believe in, things I am passionate about... some of you know this, and others of you have read about the very beat of my heart right here on this website.
But honestly, do you really care who i vote for?

To avoid getting heated or getting caught up in doing the very thing that bothers me , I will just say this- the last thing we need is for more people to make disrespectful comments that cause division and discord. I am shocked at how people have carried themselves during this campaign- most specifically: those within this Body of Christ that I call home. I pray no condemnation is translated in this: but.. we as believers have not risen up and stood out, rather we have camouflaged our faith and stooped low to hurt the very ones we are called to love. You know what I'm talking about, you've gotten the emails too. I pray we start being graceful and full of joy, a people that don't base life on emotion or the ideals of man. Me included.

President Obama (I know you're reading this.. I know you're not busy at all right now), I vow to respect you as a leader and as my fellow man, while never letting my support for you surpass the allegiance I have in following my Lord.

THERE. soapbox done. (sorry).

Several things about tonight:
1- I love Ann Curry
2- the CNN election graphics were out of control. how do they do that?
3- despite any of our opinions, Barack Obama is a DAMN GOOD SPEAKER.
4- why is WILL.I.AM getting interviewed about the election results on MSNBC?
5- these nights last WAY too long. we can do all those funky histograms, pie graphs, and touch screens but it takes 8 hours to get the votes tallied. Technology?
6- My voting poll did NOT have a booth with a cute curtain. We sat at tables with cardboard squares for privacy. SO DISAPPOINTED.
7- Todd Palin has rythym. did anyone else see him last night? the man can DANCE!
8- I have been laughing hysterically at some of the facebook statuses. Did anyone feel like people were fighting with each other by way of their status? I would watch as someone posted something and then see another friend had updated their status in response to whatever was said by the other. I was hitting refresh every second in an effort to avoid missing one minute of Facebook: Jerry Springer style. While some were quite distasteful, some were genius and so entertaining. My favorites:

"Forrest is gonna go spend all his money and hop on the welllfare train!"
"Nathan Farrow is requesting that all the people who are leaving the country please leave your stuff at my house so I can sell it on ebay"
"Jonathan Bomar wishes he was black, I feel so left out"
"Hayley Jones thinks some people need to take a Prozac and step back from the ledge"
"Kel Wilpitz thinks Texas should secede and George W. can be our president!" (God Bless Texas.. those crazy people)
"Lauren Nix thinks there needs to be a separation of facebook and state."

what a day.

tomorrow? Barack Obama makes his 2 month and 15 day journey to the White House and becomes the 44th president of the United States of America.
tomorrow? God remains God.
amen and amen and AMEN.

Friday, October 31, 2008


Just had a night out with my mom.. ahem, 34 dollars later (2 tickets, popcorn, and 2 bottled waters... that my friends is what i call ROBBERY... my honest question is why hasn't THIS issue come up in the election..)... we are not cheap dates.

Well, it wasn't complete robbery.. 16 of those dollars got us into the movie.. and it was so well spent.

You really need to go see The Secret Life of Bees. It is an incredible film that stirs up so many emotions... (i haven't read the book, so those of you that have might be snobby and think the movie is horrible in comparison.. however, i highly doubt it)

then tell me who your favorite character was.

Mine is May Boatwright.

and.. did i mention the soundtrack is UH-MAZING? it is.

"love, baby- love is all around you.."

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Advent Conspiracy

Ok, so this is WAY OUT OF MY MORAL CODE, but today's post centers around Christmas (YIKES! It's not even November yet. I mean I'm one of the crazies who doesn't believe in Christmas music until the day after Thanksgiving. i mean seriously.. let's give thanksgiving a chance people..) But today, Im breaking my mold to share something really cool. Check this out:

The story of Christ's birth is a subversive story of an upside-down kingdom. It's a story of promise, hope, and a revolutionary love that is still changing the world to this day. So, what happened? What was once a time to celebrate the birth of a savior has somehow turned into a season of stress, traffic jams, and shopping lists. And when it's all over, many of us are left with presents to return, looming debt that will take months to pay off, and this empty feeling that we somehow missed its purpose.

Is this what we really want out of Christmas?

What if Christmas became a world-changing event again by turning our focus back to the birth of Christ? What could happen to your family if this focus was celebrated in loud, bold and totally unexpected ways? What if you could actually trade your season of stress for a season celebration and unbelievable memories with your friends and family? What if all of this could save a life at the same time? It can.

Welcome to Advent Conspiracy

if you're like me, this is sewn with the greatest intentions, yet is incredibly hard to be humbled to action. If you're at a loss of where to start "conspiring".. let me help you! Visit here.
It seems like a shameless plug, but I'm telling you, these causes are WORTH IT. Sure, blessing them with these financial needs would be nice, but truth is: it'd be just as meaningful if you wrote them a letter and tell them you're on their side. If you're interested in sharing the Christmas blessing with someone other than yourself, this is a great place to begin living "life- openhanded".



Monday, October 27, 2008


One of my sweetest friends, Elizabeth (above), is currently on an 11 month trip around the world, sharing the message of Jesus. It's already been an incredible journey for her and her team. Her teammate,Maris, just wrote this and i URGE YOU to read it.

This is what it's all about. Pray for Team Judah today.

also, on a much more insignificant note: thanks for reading my last post and emailing all the mac help (especially you, meesh!). Where have I been without video chat and garage band and the two-finger scroll? 


Sunday, October 26, 2008


in lieu of divulging the heavy, actual blog-worthy happenings that have been going on in my life.. i've decided to forgo the weight of it all and go light.

i got a mac today. An Apple MacBook Pro. WHAT??!? Yea I know. I am still in shock. My computer stopped working last night, and in an effort to avoid the arm and a leg costs of repairing it, i went the pay-even-more-than-the-arm-and-a-leg-outrageous- new computer route. Stupid? I haven't decided yet. I never thought I'd be in the same league with all those other Mac-obsessed freaks.. But here I am. 

Well I am not obsessed yet.. in fact..  I am so lost. Apples are confusing. . How do I work this damn thing? AHHH!

Help? What the HECK is garage band? This keyboard is funky! And i can make movies? Wait, before all that.. how do I exit an application?


Saturday, October 11, 2008


After I huffed and puffed at another Auburn loss (I mean, seriously?), I crawled in bed and started my nightly blog reading. After my first click I found "the one". You know "the one".. "the one" blog that makes you stop and go: "What the?? Have you been reading my journal?!"
I have seriously considered asking him that. I think we're soul mates (ok.. maybe thats pushing it?) Anyways.. my point is: I guess he just has a way of articulating what we're all trying to say.
I love this guy. His heart beats wildly for the things of God. He just gets it.
His words tonight aren't foreign concepts to me.. and I guess he's not really bringing anything new to my table.. but during this dry season of life, the weight of his words bring encouragement and life, and great depth to my shallow attempts of processing the Gospel.

By: Jamie T. (from 'To Write Love on Her Arms').


Just wrote this, for the VISION section of the new Wanted to share it here as well:

The vision is that we actually believe these things…

You were created to love and be loved. You were meant to live life in relationship with other people, to know and be known. You need to know that your story is important and that you're part of a bigger story. You need to know that your life matters.

We live in a difficult world, a broken world. My friend Byron is very smart - he says that life is hard for most people most of the time. We believe that everyone can relate to pain, that all of us live with questions, and all of us get stuck in moments. You need to know that you're not alone in the places you feel stuck.

We all wake to the human condition. We wake to mystery and beauty but also to tragedy and loss. Millions of people live with problems of pain. Millions of homes are filled with questions – moments and seasons and cycles that come as thieves and aim to stay. We know that pain is very real. It is our privilege to suggest that hope is real, and that help is real.

You need to know that rescue is possible, that freedom is possible, that God is still in the business of redemption. We're seeing it happen. We're seeing lives change as people get the help they need. People sitting across from a counselor for the first time. People stepping into treatment. In desperate moments, people calling a suicide hotline. We know that the first step to recovery is the hardest to take. We want to say here that it's worth it, that your life is worth fighting for, that it's possible to change.

Beyond treatment, we believe that community is essential, that people need other people, that we were never meant to do life alone.

The vision is that community and hope and help would replace secrets and silence.

The vision is people putting down guns and blades and bottles.

The vision is that we can reduce the suicide rate in America and around the world.

The vision is that we would learn what it means to love our friends, and that we would love ourselves enough to get the help we need.

The vision is better endings. The vision is the restoration of broken families and broken relationships. The vision is people finding life, finding freedom, finding love. The vision is graduation, a sunrise, a Super Bowl, a wedding, a child. The vision is people becoming incredible parents, people breaking cycles, making change.

The vision is the possibility that your best days are ahead.

The vision is the possibility that we're more loved than we'll ever know.

The vision is hope, and hope is real.

You are not alone, and this is not the end of your story.

so refreshing. so real.

(the comment section after this blog is unreal. Their 'vision' is changing the lives of thousands of hurting people)

Lord, Help us. We beg to see life through these compassionate, real, humble lenses. We need Your eyes for this vision. Thank you for loving us more than we'll ever ever know.

for more information on To Write Love on Her Arms visit or

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


This weekend, I decided to get some permanence in my life.
I got a tattoo. I GOT A TATOOOOO.
Get me a motorcyle and call me Bubba.

Wait, did I really get a tattoo? I REALLY GOT A TATTOO. (this has been the recurring thought in my mind the last 4 days)

I got "hosanna" written in Aramaic (likely the language that Jesus spoke) on the inside of my right wrist.

also ho·san·nah interj.

Used to express praise or adoration to God.

  1. A cry of “hosanna.”
  2. A shout of fervent and worshipful praise
  3. A celebration of the messiahship of Jesus
It is also translates "save us" or "salvation is here"

Aramaic translation: הושע נא (Bauer Lexicon)

So there ya have it. I'm inked. (I called my brother after I got it done and said "i just got inked!".. he laughed for an hour. Apparently getting one tattoo doesn't mean you can start using junkie lingo like "inked". I think he's just jealous because he's a sissy.)


I'm nervous...

Yea.. thats right. It all went down at the Pimp Plaza..

Jeff prepping me
Michelle looking at her work (me freaking out because I'm next..)

No turning back

All done and totally overrated as far as pain

With Jeff (thanks for the horns)..

Michelle's "Love" and Mine..

The news hasn't traveled to my grandparents house yet- If you see them, how bout keeping it on the down low. When they find out (and it'll be dramatic..) I'll let you know how it all went down.


Friday, October 03, 2008

Answered Prayers and a Yard Sale

Hopefully, most of you read this post back in August. I know some of you did, because we have felt your support tangibly. If you didn't, take a second to read it and catch up to speed! (ps: if you don't read it, you won't understand the rest of today's post.. so hurry.. go READ!)

FIRST things First: I have some REALLY exciting news!! (drumroll please...) Sachile is going back to school! The Louisa Pickard Circle (a group of United Methodist Women) donated the money needed for two years of schooling! PRAISE OUR LORD. He is SO faithful. I'm waiting on my Swaziland contact to get back to me so I can "officially" place the money in their account and when that happens, you'll be the first to know. I'm really at a loss for words, this is such a beautiful thing to see unfold.

As most of you know I'm not real sure what the heck I'm doing in regard to raising the support for those 4 things the Lord showed me in Africa. Let's be honest, I don't have very much to offer financially.. but what I do have.. is JUNK. Lots and LOTS and LOTS of JUNK. So I brushed off my trusty ole' fundraising skills (its been a while since youth group..) and i'm putting that JUNK to good use! We're having a yard sale! It is the first big "event" to raise money for the needs mentioned in my life-openhanded post. The profit will go specifically to meeting the need of Ncobile (right) and her desire to go to University.

We'll be out on Main Street all day tomorrow ready to bargain :)

If you are in our area, please come out.. you don't have to buy anything, but I'd love to get to know you, fill you in onthe mission, and put you on our prayer list! If you need directions, email me at

If you are NOT in our area, we would LOVE your prayers. We (I) don't really know what we're (I'm) doing, but I know that the Lord wants to bless Ncobile with an education. I believe in her, and I believe in this. PLEASE PRAY for no rain, rich shoppers, and many opportunities to share her story.

My hopes are that during the next week I can set up a paypal account so that all of you out-of-towners can donate directly online. Be on the lookout.

Gotta go to bed.. i hear yard sale shoppers are early birds.. like 5AM early. WHAT THE??

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

oh fall.

"For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall burst into song, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands."
Isaiah 55:12

Give me a hammock, a journal, and some soft acoustic music. PERFECTION.

This weather makes me ask questions like: How can people not believe? How can we not fall in love with Him over and over again every time we see changing leaves and feel that sweet breeze?

You are a BEAUTIFUL God.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Priorities, Priorities..

I saw this on a blog today and just wanted to share.

"It's extraordinary to me that the United States can find $700 billion to save Wall Street, and the entire G8 Summit can't find $25 billion dollars to save 25,000 children who die every day from preventable diseases."

- Bono

(Source: The American Prospect blog)

I don't know who is to blame for the shift in priorities, and I'm sure there is more to the issue than I realize, but a switch needs to occur. NOW. We need to get this right. We have to get this one right.

Lord, help us.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Remember this post? If not, take a look then followup with this story.

Honestly, I don't even know how this all got stirred, but some friends had coffee and decided we wanted to do something that mattered by using something we liked and believed in. TOMS was something we all agreed on. We went into planning mode and 2 months later, a "Style your Sole" event was hosted. We saw some really cool people in our little town come together and say with their actions "people matter. we care". We were blown away. At the end of the night, we had 8 pairs of baby TOMS in our hands with the mission "give them away as He leads you". There was no agenda, it wasn't about who would hand them out or what organization could use them/send them best. It was simply: SHARE THESE as you see the need. Since I was headed to Africa, I got to be the messenger/carrier of these precious gifts.. certainly a humbling opportunity. If you kept up with my blog while I was there, you were one of the ones praying for God to arrange a meeting with the children that would wear these special shoes and that would forever carry with them a piece of their brothers and sisters across the ocean.

Well.. He provided homes for these well-designed, well-loved gifts.

Take a look:

Nondumiso in Spear's shoes

Joy-Joy in Em's shoes

Girlie in Ging's shoes

Andiwe in Jason's shoes
In Kaleigh, Katie, and Amanda's shoes

The last two pictures are of a little boy I met in the slums of Manzini. He was very shy, didn't make any noise and was rarely seen with any facial expression. We visited him every day and he never seemed pleasant. When the other kids were climbing on us/wiping their snot on us/braiding our hair/beating each other up, he walked alone.. never showing excitement for play.
Then, as the Holy Spirit CLEARLY led us, we gave him these TOM'S. He went on his way, and five minutes later, when attempting to get one of our girls out of the street, I found him. This is what he was doing:

The Lord speaks to me through that video every time. I wish I could live in little moments like that. That little boy's whole demeanor changed! In that moment, I am 100% confident, he knew God. He knew of His love, His compassion. He knew in that moment that the Lord had not forgotten him.

I want to dance in thankfulness when the Lord provides. I want joy like this.

This is what it's all about.

Thanks for making this happen.. for him, for all these kiddos.. and for me.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Love like you've been forgiven.

* ok, so i feel like i need to preface this post by saying im not trying to make a habit out of super spiritual (whatever that even means) blogging. if you're wondering where sassy, opinionated lee has gone.. she's still here. next tiem i'll try to blog about somethign more entertaining like my celebrity crush or my favorite new recipe or the elections (probably not the last one). but for now..

you know when you tell someone "i'll call you later" or "i'll email you!" or "i promise, I WILL text you that info as soon as..."

well.. im super good at those phrases. I use them ALL THE TIME. however, im super BAD at fulfilling them. They are so easy to just throw out there with no meaning or truth to them at all.

I've been promising by the moon and stars that I'd contact this friend of mine, and I could never seem to follow through on my word. We needed to discuss some things of pretty grand significance, yet I could never just commit myself to sitting down and putting my fingers on the keys (i mean, i didn't even have to really 'talk' to him.. all I had to do was take the easy road of communication and type him this stuff..) . I'd send little texts to him like "im sorry, i promise im going to write you as soon as I get home today" or "are you even still my friend? i know i told you 86 times i'd write you and I haven't.. but i PROMISE I'm not going to bed tonight until its done". I actually took time out of my day to apologize for not doing it, instead of using that time to write the freakin' email.


So after yet another apology message, I get this reply from him..

"dear friend, quit apologizing. quit thinking that i'm mad at you, and quit asking me if we're still friends.

it's your pride thinking for you if you think our friendship or my love for you are based on what you DO.

and PLEASE don't get caught in the cycle of thinking that you're somehow less worthy of being friends with someone because you haven't been acting like their friend. the less worthy you think you are, the less likely you are to act like a friend, and the cycle goes deeper and deeper.

so REST your heart. calm your anxieties, and remember that your debts have already been paid. you are forgiven and, more than that, you are counted as PERFECT because of Christ in you.

Remember my affliction and my wanderings,
the wormwood and the gall!
My soul continually remembers it
and it bowed down within me.

But this I call to mind,
and therefore I have hope:

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning.

(Lamentations 3:19-23a)"

DANG. I just got knocked right on my butt.

He told me, huh? Talk about sticking it straight...

I'm so thankful for friends that love me despite my failures and shortcomings and lack of repsonsibility to do as I say. I count myself blessed knowing that they see me through a cross that wipes all of my messes clean. I'm so grateful that they are slow to judge me but are quick to show me grace.. And you know what I've come to realize? You know the ONLY reason they even have the slightest interest in being friends with a sometimes-crappy friend like me? Because they are all to familiar with messing up and falling full of blame at the feet of a forgiving God. They have been forgiven, freeing them to forgive. My friend and I's story is the practical application of Luke 7:47. She that "had been forgiven of much, loved much... but those who have not been forgiven, love little". My friends were able to love me, because they have felt and experienced the love of a Father, who found them, and undeservingly made beauty out of all their crap.

Luke 6:37. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

I want to forgive like I've been forgiven. I want that love that comes only through being set free from guilt.

To have people in your life who just get truth is an unbelievable, humbling, thing and it is unreal to me that the Lord sees me worthy to call these people my friends.

Your mercies are new every morning. Praise You for that, sweet Lord.

Monday, September 01, 2008

The More I Seek You

I've found lately that the songs that move me to the heart of God aren't always necessarily sung in church. There have been times recently that the Holy Spirit speaks to me through Coldplay or JJ Heller or John Mayer. There are days when I'm driving through town and I feel His presence in the voice of James Taylor or Stevie Nicks. Nothing like cruising through town with a hand raised in praise as Gladys Knight blares out "Midnight Train".

What is a "worship" song anyways? Isn't it a heart cry.. a response to the greatness of our Maker and His creation? Whether thats people, places, things..?

Sure, Gladys isn't singing Hallelujah, but somethign about that song brings up raw, real emotions for me and reminds me to surrender all of me to the Lord. There is something about James Taylor that makes all of creation come alive to me. That's worship, right? I guess there are no rules that say "It is only a worship song if it is sung by Tomlin, Crowder, or Hillsong". Truth is, it's not as if someone said that James Taylor can't move me... if anything, I'm the very one who puts them in categories and limits those songs to the boxes i have designated them for.

However, there is one of those " real worship" songs (again, whatever that is..)that consistently ushers me to the Throne. It is written and sung by Kari Jobe, a worship leader for the Dallas-based Christ For the Nations. I heard it for the first time last summer in Swaziland. I remember running into the hut right after we got home that day... and frantically scribbling the lines that had struck me and gripped me so tight. They are honest words, and I experience such joy in knowing that people all over the world have intimate encounters with the Lord like Kari expressed in this song:

The More I seek You
The More I find you
the more I find you
The more I love you

I want to sit at you feet
drink from the cup in your hands
lay back against you and breath
feel your heartbeat
this love is so deep
it's more than I can stand
I melt in your peace
it's overwhelming

What a sweet meeting with our Jesus. Resting in Him. Drinking from His cup... delighting in the very things that please Him! Refilling- Refuling- being refreshed by the life-giving nourishment we only find in Him. Feeling His heartbeat.. the one that rejoices in each of our salvations.. the one that beats frantically for the prostitutes and their victims... the heart that beats wildly for the orphans and the diseased. To rest with The One whose love is so deep you can't even express it- physically or emotionally. The kind of love that leaves you parlayzed with awe and reverence. The peace that comes in knowing that sitting in His arms or resting in His will is your one safe place, your one refuge from all the chaos in life. The place that offers you hope and life amidst that messy divorce or cancer diagnosis.
It's overwhelming, all right. To me, overwhelming is an understatement. Is there a more weighty word than overwhelmed? If so, I'd use it.

I dont know about you, but this girl captured the very essence of time spent with the Father. Let us seek Him and find Him.. let us then love Him with a deeper, more raging love.

a amazingly talented friend of mine, jerel (you'll see his back), and i actually kinda recorded this song in our prayer chapel last fall. it's no kari jobe, but maybe you get the idea. if not, download it.. its WORTH it (Kari Jobe "The More I Seek You" - CFN'S Glorious CD)

do any of you have songs that move you to Him? "Real" worship? Random?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Let it Pour

disclaimer: this is the most scattered blog ever. I'm not sure it has any real fluidity so if you're a reader who likes a post that flows, you may just want to catch my next post.. my bad.

i've started, stopped, and restarted this post for almost a week now. i've probably lost all 3 of you daily readers for lack of a post.. my apologies.

Actually, I take back that apology.. I've been trying this whole "living intentionally" thing lately, and its kept me from coming here to write random (sometimes meaningless) crap for people to read. In these past few months I've come to realize how often I speak just to speak. I'll admit, I'm totally that person... I LOVE to hear myself talk. I know, how prideful and embarassing. It's true, however.. and I'm not going to pretend. I started to see how much I came to value my OWN opinion and to believe that I have a right to express my thoughts at every opportunity. I guess I do have that right, but my points aren't always necessary and im not always right (there are too many "rights" in this sentence.. bare with me, its been a few blog-less weeks for me.. I gotta get back in the groove). What I mean is that while I CAN speak, it doesn't mean i SHOULD speak.
If you're like me, you have that person in your life that is usually quiet, who you always want to speak up. I used to think people like that were ridiculous.. I used to think they were rude because they never really said anything.. but then I started to pick up on the fact that when they said something, they meant it, it made sense, and it was worth something. I want to be a person is slow to speak and quick to listen. I take for granted just listening. Who cares what I think anyways? I want to live with intention... I want to speak when it matters, because the truth is, that is when my voice means something.

I'm doing a one-year study of the Bible with my friends Amber and Michelle, and while reading I just realize how much stuff I really DON'T know (but of course, I act as if I do).
It's honestly kind of embarassing to think of how many times I spouted off false information just to sound cool.

So, that's why I haven't been blogging.
Well, that and the fact that I just don't know what to say.

I don't really feel like myself.

It's been a WEIRD two weeks. Circumstances have changed (I left Auburn, moved home, started AUM), but actually, the WEIRDness of it has had to do with processing. In my last post, I mentioned I was "prepared for a seamless transition back to life here". In most areas, you could say that this statement is accurate. While I don't love AUM, it hasn't been difficult for me to be there. The hard part is that my mind is everywhere but on this planet. I feel like a looney toon, with my thoughts scattered near and far. I've been having out of the ordinary experiences, and life just seems like its moving in a new direction.

Ok, actually, I don't feel like myself at all.

Maybe if I give you a "for instance.." you'll get a more clear illustration of what I'm trying to explain..

For instance..
* I was in the car with my friend Mary on Saturday. We were driving home from a bridesmaid fitting for our best friend, Amy... What should have been a joy-filled, exciting day.. was one of the most gloomy ones I've had in a while. I cried the whole way home in the car. No real reason for the tears, they just kept coming. (I'm sure you can imagine Mary as she gave me the "what the heck is going on with this girl" look as she calmly loved me through it.) I couldn't get it together.

*I watched the Olympics (with all you other obsessed freaks) the night that Shawn Johnson competed in her last competition of the games. She ended up winning gold, and while she stood smiling on that podium with the national anthem blaring, I bawled like a baby. As in, I was weeping.

*When Hilary Cilinton gave her speech at the DNC last night, I cried again. My lips were quivering. I don't even like that lady.

*I haven't been excited about Auburn Football ONCE. I grew up going to games, most of my family went there, and I always get excited to be in Jordan-Hare. I'm not a freak about it, but I surely haven't had the slightest bit of excited readiness for it this time.

*I listen to John Mayer and he makes me want to worship the Lord. "In Your Atmosphere" comes on my ipod and I get chills and I feel the Holy Spirit moving me and teaching me. I'm telling you, things are weird.

*I don't call people back and I'm not real big on returning texts. (My mom is reading this and laughing out loud.. I was the child who ran up a 500$ phone bill on more than 3 occasions). But seriously, I LOVE talking to people, and lots of my close friends live no where close to me.. but in the last few weeks, we've had lots of trouble communicating... well.. because I simply refuse to pick up the dag-blasted phone.

*I went to Auburn for a night last week, and as soon as I got off the exit, I wanted to turn around and come right back home. I do not fit there anymore. I passed the turn to my old house and felt really lost as I kept driving. I hid while I was there, dodging phone calls to hang out. These friends there mean the world to me, but I was avoiding quality time. WHY?

Let me finish this all by saying:
a) I dont really cry. I used to A LOT. a lot, a lot. But since my parents divorce and other big changes, I'm not big on tears. I ask for them a lot, and in Africa I begged for it so that I could express my frustration and compassion. They didn't come. Now, they are coming like rain from Hurricane Fay.
b) I'm not a freak.. I promise.

I don't know what's going on.. there are so many more examples, but since my mind is everywhere but Planet Earth, I can't think of them.

I just feel a heavy weight lately. I feel lots of pain for people around me. I'm hurting for the poor. I'm broken for the mom of 2 of my preschoolers who just found out her 2nd husband is dying of cancer (the first one died of cancer too). I'm torn up when I think about a friend of our family who is trying desperately to heal from his father's mistake.

These are all valid 'hurts'.. but I'm trying to pair them up with all the good I see.My mind is clouded with the hard things, and I'm desperately searching for clear vision to see the good.

It's not as if I feel the Lord is distant or that I'm distant.. or whatever. Maybe there is just distance from me and the world. Maybe thats a good thing? Maybe thats a GREAT thing.
I just don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going and maybe this is all of what He's trying to show me. I need patience to wait out this season as the Lord both breaks me down and builds me up. I just need energy and wisdom for the journey. And of course I need friends and community too, so I promise I'm going to answer my phone soon.

Please Lord, come and make this scattered brain a resting place for peace. Make my mind a sanctuary for you. Use this brokenness for restoration. Take the hard things and allow them to stir up a passion for change. Let the good things encourage me to keep going. May I be COMPLETE in your joy. Give me the strength to answer the phone, even when I don't want to hear anything about my friends drama. Give other people the strength to deal with my crap, too. You are good. You are good. Your love endures FOREVER. I choose you over emotion. I choose you in the sunshine and in the rainiest of days (which by the way reminds me.. thanks for the rain). Help me through this WEIRD, sometimes rainy life. It's good to feel less like myself if it means I'm becoming more like you.

Lord, let me dance in this rainy season. Let me see that you will fulfill your promise of a returning sun. To see a rainbow, I have to sit through the downpour. Let me remember you are constant in both the blue skies, and the grey.
And Father, if the rain is the very thing you are using to bring that 'clear vision' I keep asking for, then LET IT POUR.

I hope you will still read my blog after this nonsense. I'm feeling emo today.. I'm assuming its just the weather (even though my brother swears im "emo-tastic" and have been since 5th grade, when I started listening to slow music and writing poems about running away).

By the way, I realize this post is about as cliche and 1990's Christian worship song-ish as you can get.. but oh well. Whatever it takes to cleanse and refine, I'm in.

Thanks for walking with me in this weird season. Those of you that I have spent time with (i.e: the ones I haven't avoided or acted like a brat to), your encouragement and life has given me strength. Those of you who tell me how much you've loved and learned from this blog, I'm really thankful. You don't even know.

Hope you still like me.