As most of you know I'm not real sure what the heck I'm doing in regard to raising the support for those 4 things the Lord showed me in Africa. Let's be honest, I don't have very much to offer financially.. but what I do have.. is JUNK. Lots and LOTS and LOTS of JUNK. So I brushed off my trusty ole' fundraising skills (its been a while since youth group..) and i'm putting that JUNK to good use! We're having a yard sale! It is the first big "event" to rai

We'll be out on Main Street all day tomorrow ready to bargain :)
If you are in our area, please come out.. you don't have to buy anything, but I'd love to get to know you, fill you in onthe mission, and put you on our prayer list! If you need directions, email me at lowrylg@gmail.com.
If you are NOT in our area, we would LOVE your prayers. We (I) don't really know what we're (I'm) doing, but I know that the Lord wants to bless Ncobile with an education. I believe in her, and I believe in this. PLEASE PRAY for no rain, rich shoppers, and many opportunities to share her story.
My hopes are that during the next week I can set up a paypal account so that all of you out-of-towners can donate directly online. Be on the lookout.
Gotta go to bed.. i hear yard sale shoppers are early birds.. like 5AM early. WHAT THE??
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