these two crazies (Jamie and Grayson) are getting marrieeeeeeeeeed. (they don't look like this all the time.. i promise)
Jamie Hoffman.. sounds perfect :)
i love my jamie-boo. besides being an incredible, trustworthy, encouraging friend.. she's badass at art and can make you laugh harder than you ever have before.

(Because of my computer crash, i can't find any recent pictures of them or of us.. but the high school pic will have to do.)
Pray for them as they start this new step in life.
Pray for me, as wedding season is FAST approaching and my sanity may be in question!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. im so excited.. for all of my sweet friends!
so, how am i celebrating? well.. im off to the gym, then coming home and getting on match.com. nothing says "congratulations!" like a little personal desperation. (kidding, of course)
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