ok. so i have a lot of favorite people.. but allow me to introduce you to one in particular..

jen meet bloggers, bloggers meet jen.
(if you just ran across this blog and dont me or who is who, she's on the left)
excellent, now.. i have a favor to ask. pray for sweet jen.. she's having HUGE surgery this week.
pray for:
* HEALING! ..... that the mass will have already shrunk pre-surgery and its removal will be easier than anticipated! That whether the outcome is best OR worst case scenario, that she would have a SPEEDY AND FULL RECOVERY!
* her doctors.. that the Lord would guide their hands and nerves as they handle Jen's body.
* her nerves.. that the Lord would CALM her anxious heart and give her a peace (both pre- and post-surgery) as she deals with this difficult situation. Also pray that He will restore in her His joy and that with each nearing day she would feel His presence and security all around her! Pray that her attitude would CONTINUE to set an example and shine light on her love of the Father!
* her family.. that the spirit of fear that wants so much to settle in their home WILL NOT.. Pray that their extended family and friends will continue to bless them and encourage them as they continue to encourage, support, and love on Jen! Father, wrap your arms around them!
* her schoolwork.. Jen is in her final semester at UNC Chapel Hill and has big decisions ahead of her. Pray that the Lord's will for her will be clear and that His soveriengty would be displayed!
so. you've got the lowdown on what to pray for... I would love it if you'd take the time to lift those things up! We BELIEVE THAT HE CAN AND WILL do these things according to His plans..WE CLAIM HIS PROMISES IN THIS SITUATION! May He get all of the glory from this!
ps: feel free to leave Jen notes of encouragement on here!
".. and the prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make them well!!" james 5:15
As another one of Jen's friends, I'm here to tell you that the power of prayer can move mountains. Jen is amazing and even if you don't know her, you should pray for her because this surgery is important, it determines pretty much the rest of her life. She is a young adult, and she should not be having her life disrupted by this awful mass, but since she is, let's pray that she gets through it by the grace of God!
Mama B/Brooke
Jen, I'm praying! May the Lord make Himself known to you in a more powerful way than ever during this time!
Jen, I will be in unceasing prayer for you throughout the healing that is to come- I claim that victory already. I beileve and know that the Lord is our Ultimate Healer, He knows every minute detail and intricate organ in our bodies and how they work. He is in control of all things and desires only the best for our lives and in that for His glory to be revealed and made known. God is so faithful and no matter how you feel or don't feel know that He has never and will never forsake you. Jesus will be holding your hand through your entire surgery and recovery. Trust in Him, rely on Him, believe Him, and know that He is a mighty God ready to save you. No matter what happens His plan and purpose is so much bigger than we could even imagine and throughout the chaos and suffering of this life there is a Perfect Author who is scripting and has called you into an amazing love story with Him...find peace and love and confidence in His strong and protective arms. I claim that Jehovah-Rapha, the Lord that heals, has already begun the healing process and your road to recovery. Jen you are so amazing and through this struggle I have confidence and know that the Lord is refining you into such a beautiful woman of God. God's light and love radiates through you on to so many peoples lives, allow Him to continue to shine even through these hard times. And trust that the Lord who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion! God's healing power is going to be made known!!!
wow! can we say AMEN! God is so good.. I dont know you, but I want you to know that I am on your side and I am fighting for you! The enemy has been DEFEATED! CLAIM THAT!
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