Friday, March 31, 2006

im so sad spring break is almost over. well, that spring break IS over. even though I didn't get to go to a trendy beach and I dont have a killer suntan upon my return (ok so I really AM upset about that. i've gotta do something about being pasty), I still had such a great time! It was hard for me at first, seeing as how I've never NOT gone to the beach for spring break... and I definitely didn't have the best attitude about it. BUTTT.. i must say, things turned around quite nicely. The roomies and I loaded up in the car and drove to my house in Savannah and spent some time being touristy. We ate a lot, took a lot of pictures, and laughed harder than ever. We even took a day trip to Charleston. I had forgotten just how much I loved it!! Somehow in the midst of trying to show my guests every little cool thing about Savannah, I even got to spend quality time with my family. I miss them soooo!! I'm sad that I wont be seeing them for a while, 6 hour car rides are definitely not cool. but anyways, my spring break turned out just fine, even without the white sand, crystal clear blue water, hearing the waves, dinner at the red bar, getting really really tan, listening to jimmy buffet while sitting in the beach chair.. (ok i'll stop). i guess i'll just have to get my beach fix one random weekend. who's down?
so sad this week is over, but yay for almost being done with school.. and did i mention 48 days until camp? GET EXCITED!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

what a joy she is..

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had the best heart to heart EVER tonight.
with this beautiful girl.
she spoke such truth into me.
she RADIATES with His joy.
she is new from His mercy.
she understands grace better than anyone I know.
and basically i just love her to pieces.
yay for girl time that most definitely included: much laughter, good tears, lounging in pajamas, jamming out to caleb carruth, a photo shoot, and LOTS of Jesus.
i really needed tonight.
thank you, Lord!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

ok. can you read that? it says THERE IS NO ONE LIKE YOU. i was looking through some pictures on my computer.. had some music playing in the background.. and I really just felt God's presence. weird right? yea. I dont know why but these pictures just really bring me joy. they recover moments when I really saw God clearly... they take me back to a time when God was so real to me and they remind of times when God's truth was so rich!! most of them were not even times when i was "looking" for Him.. they were just on regular days, in regular moments. He has showed up in funny faces, in sunrises, in best friends, in random scenery, in little children, and in the faces of my family. these pictures uncover a lot of emotions.. i found myself smiling and laughing, and even starting to get a little teary-eyed (true story=im a big ole baby). but really, they all make me so thankful that my God thought me WORTHY enough to have these moments to experience Him. He is all over the place. He is not confined to a church service, a quiet time, a bible study. He has come out of the box and I no longer want to limit Him to those times and places!! He has busted out of the confinement I placed Him in and He's all over my world!
ps (they may take forever to load. there are bunches!)

Jesus, thank you for giving us the tools and abilities to capture Your beauty. Open our eyes and allow us to recognize You.. both in the ordinary and the extraordinary. There is NO ONE LIKE YOU!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

quick update on JEN!

super QUICK update (have i mentioned that im SO tired??)

Jen's surgery went smoothly. She went in around 5:45 this morning.. while they were in surgery the doctors not only removed the mass, but her thyroid gland as well. They also observed the areas around the thyroid where the mass had been and made sure that nothing around it looked different or harmed in any way, and it did NOT! PRAISE JESUS! The surgeon said she did EXCELLENT during surgery, and was hoping her recovery would be just as easy. The first time I heard from Jen's family she was jsut getting out of surgery (9:30am) and was about to go into recovery ... at that point they were told they would be allowed back after an hour or so. The next time they called (5:00 pm) they told me that she had woken up, but had gotten very sick and they were asked to leave. She's having a hard time speaking, so they are watching her very closely.. in fact, she was supposed to be able to go home today, but her doctors decided she needed to stay overnight to be monitored. So, the way I like to see it.. its better to be sick at the hospital with doctors all around than being sick at home! Praise God that He is in control!! The surgeons have assured her family that she is doing very well and they anticipate few, if any, problems. WOW! She has another doctors visit on Friday and they will HOPEFULLY be able to tell her whether her mass was cancerous or not. The head surgeon told her parents that from what he could tell, the tumor was NOT cancerous. so.. thats our latest prayer concern.. please pray specifically for the mass, and for the diagnosis she will recieve Friday!

i'll post more as I hear more. I'm sorry this may not have been as thorough as some of you had anticipated or asked me for.. I'm not real sure I relayed the message I got very well! so sorry!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all of you that have been praying and encouraging Jen in this situation. Thank you to all of her sweet friends who have been calling her and emailing her. thank you even more to the people who are my friends, who dont know even know Jen, but know that I care for her and love her, and for that being enough for you to care. It says so much about you and I'm so blessed to have such great friends!!! OH, and thank you to the people that know NEITHER of us, but know the God we serve and have helped encourage Jen in this! I LOVE YOU ALL!! I talked to her right before surgery and she was SO extremely HUMBLED by you guys and the blessings you have been to her!


Sunday, March 12, 2006

my favorite person EVER.

ok. so i have a lot of favorite people.. but allow me to introduce you to one in particular....
jen meet bloggers, bloggers meet jen.
(if you just ran across this blog and dont me or who is who, she's on the left)
excellent, now.. i have a favor to ask. pray for sweet jen.. she's having HUGE surgery this week.
pray for:
* HEALING! ..... that the mass will have already shrunk pre-surgery and its removal will be easier than anticipated! That whether the outcome is best OR worst case scenario, that she would have a SPEEDY AND FULL RECOVERY!
* her doctors.. that the Lord would guide their hands and nerves as they handle Jen's body.
* her nerves.. that the Lord would CALM her anxious heart and give her a peace (both pre- and post-surgery) as she deals with this difficult situation. Also pray that He will restore in her His joy and that with each nearing day she would feel His presence and security all around her! Pray that her attitude would CONTINUE to set an example and shine light on her love of the Father!
* her family.. that the spirit of fear that wants so much to settle in their home WILL NOT.. Pray that their extended family and friends will continue to bless them and encourage them as they continue to encourage, support, and love on Jen! Father, wrap your arms around them!
* her schoolwork.. Jen is in her final semester at UNC Chapel Hill and has big decisions ahead of her. Pray that the Lord's will for her will be clear and that His soveriengty would be displayed!

so. you've got the lowdown on what to pray for... I would love it if you'd take the time to lift those things up! We BELIEVE THAT HE CAN AND WILL do these things according to His plans..WE CLAIM HIS PROMISES IN THIS SITUATION! May He get all of the glory from this!
ps: feel free to leave Jen notes of encouragement on here!
".. and the prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make them well!!" james 5:15

Monday, March 06, 2006

i just want show you..

"you're my blue sky, you're my sunny day. Lord, you know it makes me high when you turn you're love my wayyyyyy.."

ok. allman brothers, thank you for the perfect song for today. blue sky. sunny day. and the Lord has turned His love my way. for sure.

sunshine. cool breeze. blue sky. short-sleeves and skirts. flip-flops and barefeet. good music. riding with the windows down...
no doubt that these things make a clear indication of the fathers love for me. He knows me. He knows that I LOVE these things.

This weather is a GIGANTIC invitation to commune with Our God. This weather is the kind when I feel like God is just nudging me to go out and play. I found myself begging God to let the light change from green to red so that I could sit and enjoy the weather longer... and boy is that different from my usual plea.. its usually "God please justt hold the green light ONE second longer, i'm running late!!". funny. its for sure that this weather does a number
on my attitude. I just feel so at peace and at ease today. At bible study we've been talking about fighting for joy and how there are days when we literally have to BATTLE to maintain His joy in us. well..Today.. was the opposite for me. Today was one of those days for me when I just felt like NOTHING in the world could push me down, stand in my way, or steal my perspective. Nothing was blocking my view of Him today. It's amazing how clearly I see and interact and trust in God when everything is pretty. But I need this realization most on days when its yucky and cold and when life isn't going my way. Im so thankful that He creates days like today as a model for what His pure joy looks like, and what that can look like in ME! I'm so glad that He takes the "todays" in my life to illustrate how much of a difference my outlook is on life when I'm simply rejoicing in Him alone. Today, He reminded me that there is fruit that comes in the laboring pursuit of Him! Today, I remembered why I fight for joy! I LOVE TODAY!

Thank you Jesus for today. thank you for pulling me out of bed early this morning and allowing me to experience You by simply admiring and resting in the beautiful day You created.!