you forgot about BBMAK didn't you? SHAME! not me...
.. i will stand up for you, no matter what you're going through
im still on your side
any time day or night, dont care if its wrong or right.. im still on your side..
..until your back here baby,
miss you, want you, need you so,...
come back here baby YEAAA..
so i know what you're probably thinking... "how old is she, really?" well. im 20. so that answers that. and i have NO shame.. im a boy band fan. you probably are too, just admit it. so as i sit here and sing along to my boys (bbmak, backstreet, nsync, 98 degrees, lfo.. you know..), im reminiscing about the old times. i miss them A LOT. the roller rink, ice-skating. spend the night parties, swimming parties, cookouts, push-pops, anyone want to relive the good old days with me? oh innocence.. life was so easy back then.
yep. thats little lee. sometimes i wish i was that little me again. Ya know when you hear people share about a "child-like faith".. th
ats what I want. I want to go back to the time when i didn't fear, because I didn't know how... when I was honest because I had nothing to lose.. when staying in with mom and dad was cool just because no one did anything else. a time when i didn't care that i had mud and markers on my face and gum in my hair. when there was no such thing as "being cool". when walking barefoot was acceptable. Innocence is such a beautiful thing. There is such purity and holiness that comes with innocence. There is opportunity for growth in innocence, no pride that shakes you. There is respect and reverence that comes out naturally, simply because that is what we were made for. I want to believe in Jesus, and LIVE in Jesus like that again.
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