.we are Yours
we are Yours
we are Yours, we are Yours, we are YOURS.
we are Your sons and daughters and You are our Holy Father
all our fountains are in You
we open wide our mouths and YOU fill us.
we are Yours.
I am His. I am His. I am HIS.
I needed to hear this. I needed to hear it so bad.
I'm in such a strange, new, different place with the Lord right now.
I'm having a hard week.
I'm struggling with being vulnerable with the Lord.
why? I dont know either. I wish I did. He IS going to be faithful in answering that question. He is going to be FAITHFUL in establishing new intimacy with Him.
I am his daughter. why am i struggling to receive that?
I am His holy child, I have been adopted by Him, HE CHOSE ME AS HIS.
I dont know. I can't tell you what that is doing for my heart. It releases so many emotions. Its so good. Its so good. It's so humbling. His arms are around me.. ME. ME! whatttt?? that is insane. I've known it. But its fresh. It's true. It's sinking in. and is drastically changing how I relate to Him. I wish you could feel my heart. I wish you could watch my skin crawl. I wish you could see what He is doing to me.
Father, I AM YOURS.