Tuesday, November 04, 2008


ok, look. I have made this personal commitment to avoid blogging about politics. One reason? I don't know enough. Yes, my grandfather is in the House, my uncles hold offices in our city, and my next-door-neighbor is the mayor. I was birthed into a very political environment and by nature, it has been a constant part of my life. However, sometimes it's harder to be in the thick of it all and maintain a brain of your own.. I, as a stubborn, independent adult, need to formulate my own ideas and my own values... and.. I haven't felt it all out yet.

Sure, I have opinions, things I believe in, things I am passionate about... some of you know this, and others of you have read about the very beat of my heart right here on this website.
But honestly, do you really care who i vote for?

To avoid getting heated or getting caught up in doing the very thing that bothers me , I will just say this- the last thing we need is for more people to make disrespectful comments that cause division and discord. I am shocked at how people have carried themselves during this campaign- most specifically: those within this Body of Christ that I call home. I pray no condemnation is translated in this: but.. we as believers have not risen up and stood out, rather we have camouflaged our faith and stooped low to hurt the very ones we are called to love. You know what I'm talking about, you've gotten the emails too. I pray we start being graceful and full of joy, a people that don't base life on emotion or the ideals of man. Me included.

President Obama (I know you're reading this.. I know you're not busy at all right now), I vow to respect you as a leader and as my fellow man, while never letting my support for you surpass the allegiance I have in following my Lord.

THERE. soapbox done. (sorry).

Several things about tonight:
1- I love Ann Curry
2- the CNN election graphics were out of control. how do they do that?
3- despite any of our opinions, Barack Obama is a DAMN GOOD SPEAKER.
4- why is WILL.I.AM getting interviewed about the election results on MSNBC?
5- these nights last WAY too long. we can do all those funky histograms, pie graphs, and touch screens but it takes 8 hours to get the votes tallied. Technology?
6- My voting poll did NOT have a booth with a cute curtain. We sat at tables with cardboard squares for privacy. SO DISAPPOINTED.
7- Todd Palin has rythym. did anyone else see him last night? the man can DANCE!
8- I have been laughing hysterically at some of the facebook statuses. Did anyone feel like people were fighting with each other by way of their status? I would watch as someone posted something and then see another friend had updated their status in response to whatever was said by the other. I was hitting refresh every second in an effort to avoid missing one minute of Facebook: Jerry Springer style. While some were quite distasteful, some were genius and so entertaining. My favorites:

"Forrest is gonna go spend all his money and hop on the welllfare train!"
"Nathan Farrow is requesting that all the people who are leaving the country please leave your stuff at my house so I can sell it on ebay"
"Jonathan Bomar wishes he was black, I feel so left out"
"Hayley Jones thinks some people need to take a Prozac and step back from the ledge"
"Kel Wilpitz thinks Texas should secede and George W. can be our president! http://www.texassecede.com/." (God Bless Texas.. those crazy people)
"Lauren Nix thinks there needs to be a separation of facebook and state."

what a day.

tomorrow? Barack Obama makes his 2 month and 15 day journey to the White House and becomes the 44th president of the United States of America.
tomorrow? God remains God.
amen and amen and AMEN.


rebekah said...

wow...uh-mazing. lee, you are wise beyond your years and amazingly expressive in your words.

i am tainted by being a history major and balancing the being in this world with trying to fix this world and make everyone see the cycles. i get lost sometimes when it isn't my intention. but i admire you and agree with you 100% on everything you just said.

bottom line, he wouldn't be there if God didn't want him there. there is a purpose.

Danielle said...

"Lauren Nix thinks there needs to be a separation of facebook and state."

def my facebook status. i totally agree though. fbook status's got WAY to out of control. it was like there was a war going on- on facebook. ridicK!

Danielle said...

**my favorite status

Anonymous said...

This is great...maybe one of my favorites so far. Love you.

adam. said...

"Jonathan Bomar wishes he was black, I feel so left out"
